cleaned the house today
wee excitment abounds lol and then i watched the fall of the house of usher (great movie).
I need to get some more art for the house we got two awosme painting for super super unbeleavably cheep for a local grafiti artest cwli his stuff is so awsome lots of bright colors. I cant wait till i can get the painting i wanted from Antony those of you who havent should check out her art website its on her profile.
I looks like i'll probably be taking a ceramics/sculpture class at the art center here. I'm pretty excited about that I just hope the instructors good and open to creativity. The last ceramics proff i had was one of those icky teachers that wanted you to copy there style and work *blech*
needless to say i didnt do well in the class
I miss SoPhast a ton durring the week *sigh* im so happy thats hes happy with his job i just miss him alot durring the week days. Theres going to be alot going on this weekend though for us to do
theres a real neat concert/show with eclectic weird music and the dark art festival (goth) is this weekend too (not sure if its worth going or not yet) and some other stuff we could do
Well im just ramballing about nothing right now lol
theres an SLCSG meet up today im going to wich should be fun I'll see you SLC people there

I need to get some more art for the house we got two awosme painting for super super unbeleavably cheep for a local grafiti artest cwli his stuff is so awsome lots of bright colors. I cant wait till i can get the painting i wanted from Antony those of you who havent should check out her art website its on her profile.
I looks like i'll probably be taking a ceramics/sculpture class at the art center here. I'm pretty excited about that I just hope the instructors good and open to creativity. The last ceramics proff i had was one of those icky teachers that wanted you to copy there style and work *blech*

I miss SoPhast a ton durring the week *sigh* im so happy thats hes happy with his job i just miss him alot durring the week days. Theres going to be alot going on this weekend though for us to do

Well im just ramballing about nothing right now lol
theres an SLCSG meet up today im going to wich should be fun I'll see you SLC people there

thanks, hunny

You should get them done then! I was really scared because normally I really do pass out and it was very sore while he did it but its over very quickly and then you have pretty little bits of metal to decorate you!
That sculpture class sounds good