damn you direct tv guy damn you! :shakes fist in the air: We're sitting around bored outa our minds waiting for the dish guy they said between 1-5 its now 4 I just knew he wouldnt coem till the last minute what a waist of a lovely day
ca ca poo on him.
The apparments starting to look more hospitable now
like someone actually lives here lol. Its nice I seriously need some art on the walls though.
I wish i had more to write about but not much new has been going on just waitting for the dish guy
*tap *tap *tap
oh well here's some BOOBIES

The apparments starting to look more hospitable now

I wish i had more to write about but not much new has been going on just waitting for the dish guy

oh well here's some BOOBIES

Isn't that the way repair/set up dudes always work - give you a 10 hour window and then come with five minutes left to spare.
Except, usually they do that on the worst possible day of the week where you have so much you needto get done, but put it off so you're sure to be home for when the guy shows up.