Glad you guys liked the pics
Man I'm bored. Write now we dont have much for furnature just a bed and a futon. But hey i have internet and my computer to use for dvd's
. I should go out exploring the down town or something
I just wish I had soemone to go with me. SoPhast is at work all day till 5 and im too damn shy to go downstairs and just start talking to people in the coffee shop. I miss Spyder_Doll sigh.
Oh and i feel odd and outa place. I mean all the chicks around here are so small and then in walks my amazon ass lol. That and i feel so...midwestern
. I miss home I was never self conciouse there.... it was MQT no one gave a shit.
egh I need to cheer up

Man I'm bored. Write now we dont have much for furnature just a bed and a futon. But hey i have internet and my computer to use for dvd's

Oh and i feel odd and outa place. I mean all the chicks around here are so small and then in walks my amazon ass lol. That and i feel so...midwestern

come kick it with me! We'll have a grand ol' time, I promise. 

what was your old user name? i'm about to clean out my friends list.