We made it!! We're just chilling out at the awsome coffee shop below our appartments waitting for the interveiw and killing time. There are so many emotions running through me. It was crazy trying to fall asleep last ngiht. This place is totally not what i expected ...its a real city!! And we live in the coolest neighborhood!! this coffee shop has the best vegan food!! and the tattoo shop wow!! I took a look trough the portfolios and there all so talented i dont know how to nerow it down lol..Theres also a great chcick artest whos perfect for fixing up the death tattoo i have it needs alot of work. Any who im ramballing lol im just so excited.
Its soooo beautiful up here my god theres huge montains, big cliffs of red rock and green its so so beautiful i cant wait to get out and see more of the nature stuff
eeeeeeee :happy sounds:
Spyder_Doll lady you sooo have to come here soon we'll have such a blast!!!!!

Its soooo beautiful up here my god theres huge montains, big cliffs of red rock and green its so so beautiful i cant wait to get out and see more of the nature stuff

eeeeeeee :happy sounds:
Spyder_Doll lady you sooo have to come here soon we'll have such a blast!!!!!

all i can say is daymn...
you're living in one hell of a place in that city!!!