My folks ran to the store so i thaught id take this opertunity to update
. I'm having a great time down here visitting my parents and little sister its going to be so hard leaving them, but i know i'll get an opertunity to visit pretty often. I found out a train ticket to michigan is only like $130 round trip
now you cant beat that price.
Also SoPhast got the job he really wanted for sure
and hes going to making more then we thought
and we found out yesturday that we can move into the appartments I really really wanted to get into for sure
we originally had to do an interveiw but i think SoPhast made such a good impression from the phone calls etc. that she skipped that step
so my sister in-law who lives in park city is going to go there an take pics of the availible apparments for us and then we're sending in our deposite. I'm so excited. Last night i did a search on map quest for exactically ware it was and what was around it.....
theres a huge gallery down stairs, a coffee shop, a tattoo parlor (the artest looks extreamly talented..but Mrs_Misha is still my #1 lady), an I Max a block away, 7 jappaness resturants within 5 blocks, 4 clubs one i was pretty interested in the fetish/"goth" club, 4 bars with 5 blocks, and a huge plaza entertainment place that takes up about 5 blocks right across the street. ALso theres a rock garden/art garden directly behind the apparment and a huge park next door. It sounds like they made this neighbor hood just for me i gotta find out if theres an anime comic shop and i'll know its a mericle lol.
I also set up our trip out there were leaving the 9th and ariving the 11th..and staying in des moins and ceyeann (sp?) This is so exciting
to anyone whos interested hers a link to the apparments ware we'll be living ArtSpace Buildings We'll be living in the Bridge projects building (the one with the awsome architecture)
well im gana get going here..i wish i had time to read your journals i hope your all doing awsome!!

Also SoPhast got the job he really wanted for sure

theres a huge gallery down stairs, a coffee shop, a tattoo parlor (the artest looks extreamly talented..but Mrs_Misha is still my #1 lady), an I Max a block away, 7 jappaness resturants within 5 blocks, 4 clubs one i was pretty interested in the fetish/"goth" club, 4 bars with 5 blocks, and a huge plaza entertainment place that takes up about 5 blocks right across the street. ALso theres a rock garden/art garden directly behind the apparment and a huge park next door. It sounds like they made this neighbor hood just for me i gotta find out if theres an anime comic shop and i'll know its a mericle lol.

I also set up our trip out there were leaving the 9th and ariving the 11th..and staying in des moins and ceyeann (sp?) This is so exciting

to anyone whos interested hers a link to the apparments ware we'll be living ArtSpace Buildings We'll be living in the Bridge projects building (the one with the awsome architecture)

well im gana get going here..i wish i had time to read your journals i hope your all doing awsome!!

good for you!!!
I just got done with stats...