sorry iv been m.i.a ever since this whole confermation of SLC things have been pure caos house looks like about 5 tornados have hit it just on the inside lol its seriously gross and messy.... Me an Ry have been doing well but doing little meaninless bickerings more... Having some serious issues on how to get the shit out of my house to begin with wich makes the claening moving thing all that much harder but its be solved...parents are going on a spazz attack (really confussed by that one) i hope they calm down soon. I've been on a vigulant hunt for free good boxes that can hold 70 pounds of stuff so we can ship it (i think we mite just have to give in and buy them)...Rys got a huge paper he's sapossed to be working on but keeps getting side tracked by this stuff...
but hey i know itll all work out in the end i just gotta keep on keepin on lol :p my hopes are that by this weekend my house is packed and and shipped and all uneeded stuff is gone and ry has his paper done
that is my goal this week and by gods thunder i shal dfeat this house MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA (insain miniacle laughter)
I had soooooooo much fun last night thanks Spyder_Doll thats just what the dr ordered im going to miss you guys soooo much you dont even know its rare you make such great friends in your life i dont want to leave ya

but hey i know itll all work out in the end i just gotta keep on keepin on lol :p my hopes are that by this weekend my house is packed and and shipped and all uneeded stuff is gone and ry has his paper done

I had soooooooo much fun last night thanks Spyder_Doll thats just what the dr ordered im going to miss you guys soooo much you dont even know its rare you make such great friends in your life i dont want to leave ya

everytime I think of SLC thru you I think of Utah.
everytime I think of Utah I remember the movie Orgasmo.
"Heheh where the hell are YOU from?"
"Oh I'm from Utah!"
"oh...I'm sorry."