EEEEEEEE *happy sound* SoPhast's probably got a job!!! well like hes got it 90% they just have to go over paper work etc. Its a job he really wanted too as a devorce mediator in SLC..... so it looks like we'll for sure be going now and he got anouther offer as a caseworker for the city in slc too!! I can't say how happy I am!! that was such a huge weight off my back..just yesturday we were fighting cause we had no idea what was going on or ware we'd end up in 3 weeks and we never really fight
But now everything is peachy!!
except its going to be hard leaving every one but i seriously think with ry's income we'll be visiting alot
so itll all work out
Now I just got to find a away to get Spyder_Doll there and life will be perfect lol must start planning he he
Oh SoPhast will even have his own office how fancy lol ..i just hope this job dosnt require him entertaining clients at our house or anything lol then ill have to look all respectible and grown up ewwwy No matter what im keeping my art out though lol well i better get going on moving my entire life across contry
watch out Mormons AMy's commin to town mua ha ha ha ha

except its going to be hard leaving every one but i seriously think with ry's income we'll be visiting alot

Now I just got to find a away to get Spyder_Doll there and life will be perfect lol must start planning he he
Oh SoPhast will even have his own office how fancy lol ..i just hope this job dosnt require him entertaining clients at our house or anything lol then ill have to look all respectible and grown up ewwwy No matter what im keeping my art out though lol well i better get going on moving my entire life across contry

watch out Mormons AMy's commin to town mua ha ha ha ha

I find them clunky and impossible to dance/headbang with. They're really heavy. BUT I mean, damn, if you make some really industrial lookin' one (those one with metal pikes & foam stickin' out & all) I'd SOOO trade.