lol nothing i do is ever easy....Ry got a job offer in charlavoix/petoskey micigan .like 4 hours from here..Its for ameri core working with kids doing fun awsome stuff and councalling etc. its totally write up his alley and i know he would enjoy it very much....but i dosnt pay much
So now what do we do??? None of the 50 or so jobs he's applyed for in SLC have called back yet *sigh* and i would like to stay here around my friends and fammily..but the prospect of living in a city was really growing on me and i was getting excited and ry could probably make more $ there...AHHH i dono what to do? I'm sure we'll figure something out. Who knows after the americore job we could then go out to slc...
My house lookes like a class 5 tornado hit it lol with all the packing and selling off the furnature its caos.
Oh and dont forget kiddys new MSI out tommarrow yay
The drummer iis soo cute lol shes soo small and kicks soo much ass *swoon* K im off to finish readding my book Angels & Demons by dan brown

My house lookes like a class 5 tornado hit it lol with all the packing and selling off the furnature its caos.
Oh and dont forget kiddys new MSI out tommarrow yay

and all those sexxiee psw sets
cant wait to come back and catch up on everything