OMG my wishes have come true
I have discoved a new artest/musician that makes my life finally complete
Ladies and Gental Men I present...
Doctor Steel
careful ladies he may make you feel all tingly in the loins
Seriously check out his music
Its a lovely WARM spring day here and there is lots of stuff to do for our up and comming garage sale....*poke *poke to all you MQT people is saturday and maybe sunday on west street off of Write street by the grave yard
lots of kick ass stuff
for cheep
K thats all fro now

Ladies and Gental Men I present...
Doctor Steel
careful ladies he may make you feel all tingly in the loins

Seriously check out his music

Its a lovely WARM spring day here and there is lots of stuff to do for our up and comming garage sale....*poke *poke to all you MQT people is saturday and maybe sunday on west street off of Write street by the grave yard

K thats all fro now