Man my tooth hurts
is it just me or does this seem like dejavou to you too? lol the vicodins nice but im going to be out tommarrow and i cant get a hold of my doc this weekend..i dono what to do
. The e.r. docs here are mostly pricks who wont give a college student with tattoos and peircings pain kills if ther arm was chopped of and gushing blood all over the floor
Man I want to do some art sooo bad write now though but i dont want to make anything before i move cause then itll be one more thing to move *sigh*
I am getting some amazing art from ANTONY for our new home I'm sooo phyed!!! You should realy check out her work its beautiful.
Nothing in the world makes me happier then art in my house esp such beautiful work now i wana move in even quicker
I watched the spong bob square pants movie today over at my bros house
it rocked! Yeah so i love kids movies bite me the incredibles was incredible sooo there
SoPhast got all his hair cut off today ..and i must say he looks quite sexy
I'll post pics of my little respectible hobbit tommarrow so you can all see
Well I'm off to go snuggle and watch a movie
nighty night
p.s. send pain killers lol

Man I want to do some art sooo bad write now though but i dont want to make anything before i move cause then itll be one more thing to move *sigh*
I am getting some amazing art from ANTONY for our new home I'm sooo phyed!!! You should realy check out her work its beautiful.

I watched the spong bob square pants movie today over at my bros house

SoPhast got all his hair cut off today ..and i must say he looks quite sexy

Well I'm off to go snuggle and watch a movie
nighty night

p.s. send pain killers lol
how many things do you want from me again?
good luck with the big move to SLC, and you're gorgeous.