my parrot fish had babys
there soo cute!! tenny tinny little fishys
thats my big excitment lol
Ive been getting all my garage sale stuff ready..its going to be a huge sale. lots of weird stuff lol i hope we get alot of college kids.
I must say the past 2 days sets have been awsome
I watched SLC punks last night i havent seen that movie in years and then promply afterwards i began to freak out like WTF am i doing moving there my god!! lol but hey i live in the middle of noware in upper michigan so if i can cut that im sure i can hanndle mormons lol

Ive been getting all my garage sale stuff ready..its going to be a huge sale. lots of weird stuff lol i hope we get alot of college kids.
I must say the past 2 days sets have been awsome

I watched SLC punks last night i havent seen that movie in years and then promply afterwards i began to freak out like WTF am i doing moving there my god!! lol but hey i live in the middle of noware in upper michigan so if i can cut that im sure i can hanndle mormons lol

Congrats on the baby fishies! Happy Easter!

baby fishies!!! thats cute. happy rooster and slc punk rocks mormons not somuch