Ok well heres the plan Californias not our final destination but it is for the summer. We're going out there mid-may and then SoPhast is helping his dad do construction work to make some extra cash for our pockets and while hes doing that He'll be apllying for jobs out west probably salt lake city Utah cause he has fam there and it seems like a neat town despit the conservative weirdos. I'll probably keep on doing my art and trying to see if i cant get any under the table extension gigs (so if any of you cali ladys need fun hair) and maybe walking dogs or something lol.
But fromt he sounds of it you can rent a whole leval of a warehouse for like 550$ a month in salt lake oh sooo much space for me to do my art
im phyed
But yes scared as hell too im going tomiss my fammily soo much im really close with my fammily my parents are like my best friends!!! and i can tell my dads hurt. But i really dont think itll be permanate and we'll end up back in michigan after ry getts some good job experience in his feild.
I'm going to miss my friends sooo much too esp Syder_Doll she y most favorite lady in the whole world *sigh....
But hey MQT people if your looking for any furnature come late april drop us a line im giving/selling/donation/ like 90% of our stuff
Well i best get to sorting and organizing
But fromt he sounds of it you can rent a whole leval of a warehouse for like 550$ a month in salt lake oh sooo much space for me to do my art

But yes scared as hell too im going tomiss my fammily soo much im really close with my fammily my parents are like my best friends!!! and i can tell my dads hurt. But i really dont think itll be permanate and we'll end up back in michigan after ry getts some good job experience in his feild.
I'm going to miss my friends sooo much too esp Syder_Doll she y most favorite lady in the whole world *sigh....
But hey MQT people if your looking for any furnature come late april drop us a line im giving/selling/donation/ like 90% of our stuff

Well i best get to sorting and organizing

good luck on everything cutie

Utah=craziness...good luck tho. Maybe you can post a pic set of some the scenery when you get out there.