LOL LOL this cute little kid from the local high school just called his name was Joey awww lol he said he was bored and was randomly calling #'s and then perceeded to ask if i was hot and what i looked like lol awww how cute
lol I directed him to the numbers for the dorms and not the married housing lol
Well i went to the dr's today in the wee morning hours and talked with my dr for a bit and he gave me antibotics POO but he said i didnt have to start em till tommarrow so i can drink today lol my drs soo funny he swears and tells storys its like going to go visit your crazy grandpa who gives you drugs lol. Oh and good news if the special drug im taking (thats pretty much keeping me "alive") is loosing its effectiveness no worries cause theres a new simm drug about to get appoved this year I can take
yay that was my # one worry. Oh and i found out too that the drug im on now is made up of human and mouse cells *weird* that mite explain my new obsession with cheese
Well its st.pattys day is today and spyder_doll informed me of its orginal origions wich i really dont like at all deceiving
damn old school christians. But i think i mite just celibrate anywho cause hey like 75% of americans just celibrate it cause its an excuss to drink so i just may also
and its a fun way to get to pinch peoples butt and get away with it
so u best be wearing green mwaa ha ha ha ha
I love primus and Less Claypool man i would give my left boob to meet him!!I havent even gotton a chance to see him live yet
why must i live in nomans land
k thats all for my goofy ramballings today

Well i went to the dr's today in the wee morning hours and talked with my dr for a bit and he gave me antibotics POO but he said i didnt have to start em till tommarrow so i can drink today lol my drs soo funny he swears and tells storys its like going to go visit your crazy grandpa who gives you drugs lol. Oh and good news if the special drug im taking (thats pretty much keeping me "alive") is loosing its effectiveness no worries cause theres a new simm drug about to get appoved this year I can take

Well its st.pattys day is today and spyder_doll informed me of its orginal origions wich i really dont like at all deceiving

I love primus and Less Claypool man i would give my left boob to meet him!!I havent even gotton a chance to see him live yet

k thats all for my goofy ramballings today

i drink

Fuck me, I'm not Irish. Although I drink like one