Hi Hi sorry i was missing there for a bit. I'm on spring brake yay
but i probably wont be on much cuase hey im on vacation
. I guess my sites doing pretty god so far
wich is real awsome and flatering...email me if ya want the link
..... Not to much is new though we're just home with the folks relaxing
. I found some great stuff in our garage for sculpture and my parent gave me my grandfathers old acupunture kit he got from china years ago for me to use for sculpture or what ever...theres a real cool diagram im gana try to mount its real real cool
. I'm goign to be reeranging the art in our house when i get home yay i need a fresh change in the house..once and awile i like to rotate the art and furnature to keep stuff new...I'm ramballing :p.... So spring brake is finally hear now lets hope springs not to far behind
I miss the sun and water
Heres to an awsome warm summer

I miss the sun and water

Heres to an awsome warm summer

I am so with you, when does summer start? I wanna go camping!
god im so lookin forward to summer in michigan