wow ive been m.i.a for quite awile life has been caos as of late and havent had really any time for internet life at all.
SoPhast is running the new coffee house that we just busted butt getting open this weekend and I'm kind of the silent manager/life coach lol so I've been pulling like 12 hours days as of late. It looks ike things may slow down here soon I hope but man im beat and im negecting my own personal time. But i am having a great time with it and loosing weight beleave it or not lol...the shop is a veriable candy store for adults lol. Gelato italian ice cream, brownies, cookies, pastrys, and all the coffee concoctions you could want ^.^
Its still needs quite a bit of work though we need more furnature and books and games and retail stuff.
but im ramballing gotta run its the asperagus festival in town today and we gotta go do public relations with the local folk and regular yuppies and hand out copons weeee......
so no im not dead in fact im living a bit too much lol
SoPhast is running the new coffee house that we just busted butt getting open this weekend and I'm kind of the silent manager/life coach lol so I've been pulling like 12 hours days as of late. It looks ike things may slow down here soon I hope but man im beat and im negecting my own personal time. But i am having a great time with it and loosing weight beleave it or not lol...the shop is a veriable candy store for adults lol. Gelato italian ice cream, brownies, cookies, pastrys, and all the coffee concoctions you could want ^.^
Its still needs quite a bit of work though we need more furnature and books and games and retail stuff.
but im ramballing gotta run its the asperagus festival in town today and we gotta go do public relations with the local folk and regular yuppies and hand out copons weeee......
so no im not dead in fact im living a bit too much lol

glad tyo see things are going well for you darlin 

girl...this is the first time in 2 months I have set eyes on SG...miss you soooo much!! I can' even find you on myspace anymore...what happened?