Im not sure how much longer i have on this account?? But i dont think i'll be comming back
. As you can tell i havent been on here too much just to check the married wemon group i run and thats it. Its been a fun few years but i think its time for me to move on..but im not sure when that is just yet so its not quite good bye yet
Things have been going well just really busy...My job is going well even though sometimes i wana kick the husband of the lady i care for. Hes a nice guy just real real old fashioned and its weird i dont get it but egh. But it is also sucking up all my time wich sucks I'm not getting any of my art done at all and it is really bumbing me out hardcore
I did make a giant stuffed monster the other night though that i like
SoPhast may have a sweet job comming up here soon running a new coffee house that is opening and ill be workign there nights with him too. So it shoudl be fun
Thats all really not too much is new
i guess thats a good thing though

Things have been going well just really busy...My job is going well even though sometimes i wana kick the husband of the lady i care for. Hes a nice guy just real real old fashioned and its weird i dont get it but egh. But it is also sucking up all my time wich sucks I'm not getting any of my art done at all and it is really bumbing me out hardcore

SoPhast may have a sweet job comming up here soon running a new coffee house that is opening and ill be workign there nights with him too. So it shoudl be fun

Thats all really not too much is new
