I had a lovely lovely weekend. Spent a little too much $ though but egh lol i guess you have to spoil yourself once and awile
I had a particulary nice day today..It was nice and warm so me and SoPhast worked on the yarn and i planted some bulbs
. We'll have the smallest but prettiest garden in town
Also today for an art swap im doing on lj I made a tinny match box shrine. Its real neat its a build your own robot kit. With tinny gears and bolts and i even made a micro sized instruction book. Its so cool i dono if i wana give it away
I just finished reading Lamb by Christopher Moore
I highly recomend it to EVERY ONE!!!

I had a particulary nice day today..It was nice and warm so me and SoPhast worked on the yarn and i planted some bulbs

Also today for an art swap im doing on lj I made a tinny match box shrine. Its real neat its a build your own robot kit. With tinny gears and bolts and i even made a micro sized instruction book. Its so cool i dono if i wana give it away

I just finished reading Lamb by Christopher Moore
I highly recomend it to EVERY ONE!!!
well im going to go watch soem simpsons and play my nintendo ds and veg out for a bit yay
just wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes.

Thanks for your comment on my set ... I hope you enjoyed it!