lemuria Tagged me
"you have been tagged!!! please write twenty interesting facts about yourself and then tag five friends to do the same."
1. i have 3 wonderful sudo kids: 2 cats and a Chihuahua
2. I love toe socks
3. Halloween is my favorite Holliday
4. i cant straighten my right pinky out cause i cut a tendon when i was 13 carving a pumpkin with a french knife..i left teh blood on the pomkin and had one of the coolest that year.
5. I want a girl friend
6. my favorite author is neil gaiman
7. I started listening to danny elfman when i was in 3rd grade and didnt start buying any other music till i was 13
8. I didnt kiss a boy till i was 13
9. I didnt star masterbating till i was in college
10. my eyes change color with my mood and dress
11. I love drinking wine
12. I have a large dvd collection of about 300 movies
13. I dont have cable
14. I through up when i had my nose peirced for the first time when i was 15
15. I won the best hair award in high school 3 years in a row
16. I attended a bording school for 4 years in highschool
17. my favorite stone is amber
18. When i was 15 i got a ticket and had to go to cort for a minor in possetion of tabaco ..lol
19. I'm Dyslexic ...as if you hadnt already guessed
20. I have crohns disease
whoo there you go
I pick Syder_Doll , Vivid, SoPhast, Caducus, Rygar
Your Turn

"you have been tagged!!! please write twenty interesting facts about yourself and then tag five friends to do the same."
1. i have 3 wonderful sudo kids: 2 cats and a Chihuahua
2. I love toe socks
3. Halloween is my favorite Holliday
4. i cant straighten my right pinky out cause i cut a tendon when i was 13 carving a pumpkin with a french knife..i left teh blood on the pomkin and had one of the coolest that year.
5. I want a girl friend
6. my favorite author is neil gaiman
7. I started listening to danny elfman when i was in 3rd grade and didnt start buying any other music till i was 13
8. I didnt kiss a boy till i was 13
9. I didnt star masterbating till i was in college
10. my eyes change color with my mood and dress
11. I love drinking wine
12. I have a large dvd collection of about 300 movies
13. I dont have cable
14. I through up when i had my nose peirced for the first time when i was 15
15. I won the best hair award in high school 3 years in a row
16. I attended a bording school for 4 years in highschool
17. my favorite stone is amber
18. When i was 15 i got a ticket and had to go to cort for a minor in possetion of tabaco ..lol
19. I'm Dyslexic ...as if you hadnt already guessed
20. I have crohns disease
whoo there you go

I pick Syder_Doll , Vivid, SoPhast, Caducus, Rygar
Your Turn

Facts are no fun. ^.~* I think I'll hide a lie.