is gardening work? the boy and i had a discussion about this tonight. i feel like it is, though i do love it muchly. he says it's a 'past-time', therefore, not work. any thoughts?
there's a glass sitting on the shelf beside me. i just noticed it. i'm not sure how long it's been there. i don't know if i left it there. fortunately there is no mold in it.
the humidity is killing me. i sunburned my arm today (silly me not reapplying my sunscreen after 3 hours out in the sun...). i tromped around in a pasture looking for owls for a while. saw some bison. kneeled in a thistle (ow...). took a photo of some beautiful wild mint while kneeling in said thistle. then i came home after spending 6 hours outside, working, and started entering scientific articles into the scientific citation database program i have in hopes of motivating myself to try to publish my honours degree research. i think it kinda sorta worked...i even looked into some publishing guidelines for a few journals.
what did you do today?
i feel awfully dorky today, and somehow it just doesn't matter. i require a dork emoticon.
but for now, this will do:
i just got back from a bike ride. images linger in my lobes.
two little girls, blue foamy soap mounded on their outstretched rejoicing in their soapiness, yelling to traffic 'want some ice cream' and giggling their heads off.
a discarded fork, flattened, mud encrusted, lays in a pothole.
going over a bridge i fling my legs out as i coast, the planks banging beneath me. i am reminded of childhood and wonder how i look to passersby.
someone painted a black silhouette on the side of the path underpass, but i wasn't fooled this time. this time i saw the white outline and didn't think someone was standing there.
a momma duck and four ducklings following close behind her paddle in the lethargic creek as i drive by.
a young woman wearing a long white shirt with a giant hood behind it, a baby suspended in the hood, talks to a friend in the backyard of her house, near her garden.
i love summer.
is gardening work? the boy and i had a discussion about this tonight. i feel like it is, though i do love it muchly. he says it's a 'past-time', therefore, not work. any thoughts?
there's a glass sitting on the shelf beside me. i just noticed it. i'm not sure how long it's been there. i don't know if i left it there. fortunately there is no mold in it.
the humidity is killing me. i sunburned my arm today (silly me not reapplying my sunscreen after 3 hours out in the sun...). i tromped around in a pasture looking for owls for a while. saw some bison. kneeled in a thistle (ow...). took a photo of some beautiful wild mint while kneeling in said thistle. then i came home after spending 6 hours outside, working, and started entering scientific articles into the scientific citation database program i have in hopes of motivating myself to try to publish my honours degree research. i think it kinda sorta worked...i even looked into some publishing guidelines for a few journals.
what did you do today?
i feel awfully dorky today, and somehow it just doesn't matter. i require a dork emoticon.
but for now, this will do:

i just got back from a bike ride. images linger in my lobes.
two little girls, blue foamy soap mounded on their outstretched rejoicing in their soapiness, yelling to traffic 'want some ice cream' and giggling their heads off.
a discarded fork, flattened, mud encrusted, lays in a pothole.
going over a bridge i fling my legs out as i coast, the planks banging beneath me. i am reminded of childhood and wonder how i look to passersby.
someone painted a black silhouette on the side of the path underpass, but i wasn't fooled this time. this time i saw the white outline and didn't think someone was standing there.
a momma duck and four ducklings following close behind her paddle in the lethargic creek as i drive by.
a young woman wearing a long white shirt with a giant hood behind it, a baby suspended in the hood, talks to a friend in the backyard of her house, near her garden.
i love summer.
"Biiiiisoon." That's what you should have said to the bison.
gardening is work if its your job... for instance, i used to have a gardening job, and i would go around to people's houses and do their shit. but if its in your backyard, then its more or an obligation or chore or hobbie... kinda like a kid i suppose.