when i was 10 and reading Owl i never imagined that one day, someone would contact me as a professional to clarify some facts for an article going into an upcoming issue. when i received an email from them this week, it threw me and now i'm all giddy and excited. i know, it's just a fact check, but it's OWL. how cool is that?
it's been an awfully good week for a three-day stint spent away from home and serious lack of good sleep... the work stuff went well, and i got the chance to talk to a guy i know that works for the government who happens to be wanting grad students in prairie ecology in the next two years. this makes me happy as he 'tried to sell me on the idea' of his study, and makes me feel sought after and better than i've felt in months about my 'career' path. this makes the second government guy i've met through my work that's offered me grad work. i'm tickled. and excited about the future. eventually, i'd like to have my PhD in biology/ecology, so people can call me 'Doctor'. ahahahaha! funny thing is, my mom has said i'd be a doctor one day, she just didn't realize that it wouldn't be in medicine at the time. huzzah for mom the oracle. she also said i should be prime minister one day, but i think i'll sidestep that prophecy for now.
weekend promises to be filled with cleaning and relaxing and hopefully sleeping. last night i was in bed with the boy sleeping at 1030 which was the beginning of the best sleep i've had in days...until his current boss (who is really the district manager so she doesn't have all the stuff a real boss would) called us at 327am to ask if J had keys to the fire alarm panel so they could shut it off 'cause alarms were going off in the hotel. thus ended the sweet sweet sleep, and thus began the bizarre dreams again. *sigh* here's hoping that tonight is better.
hope you are all having a lovely week and looking forward to a good weekend.
a question for you:
name one thing that makes your stomach fill with butterflies (good or bad) and why it does that.
it's been an awfully good week for a three-day stint spent away from home and serious lack of good sleep... the work stuff went well, and i got the chance to talk to a guy i know that works for the government who happens to be wanting grad students in prairie ecology in the next two years. this makes me happy as he 'tried to sell me on the idea' of his study, and makes me feel sought after and better than i've felt in months about my 'career' path. this makes the second government guy i've met through my work that's offered me grad work. i'm tickled. and excited about the future. eventually, i'd like to have my PhD in biology/ecology, so people can call me 'Doctor'. ahahahaha! funny thing is, my mom has said i'd be a doctor one day, she just didn't realize that it wouldn't be in medicine at the time. huzzah for mom the oracle. she also said i should be prime minister one day, but i think i'll sidestep that prophecy for now.
weekend promises to be filled with cleaning and relaxing and hopefully sleeping. last night i was in bed with the boy sleeping at 1030 which was the beginning of the best sleep i've had in days...until his current boss (who is really the district manager so she doesn't have all the stuff a real boss would) called us at 327am to ask if J had keys to the fire alarm panel so they could shut it off 'cause alarms were going off in the hotel. thus ended the sweet sweet sleep, and thus began the bizarre dreams again. *sigh* here's hoping that tonight is better.
hope you are all having a lovely week and looking forward to a good weekend.
a question for you:
name one thing that makes your stomach fill with butterflies (good or bad) and why it does that.
ewww butterflies dont taste good, but if I had too Id eat them with chocolate