Crossing my fingers about a personal assistance job I will be interviewing for this week. So excited, and it will be THE perfect way to make extra cash right now. A few days a week walking a dog, blogging and doing some farmers market shopping for a couple. I do that shit anyways! Well with the exception of the dog walking, because my dog Sweet Pea does not currently stay with me.
So happy I finally got to color my hair!! I've been waiting too long and I've just been slowly dying inside. Definitely had to do it before Summer was over as that had been my original plan. Better late than never.
Supposed to be writing up a few things right now for my other job but ehhh, feelin' lazy, unmotivated. Pretty sure that's the PMS, because I've been feeling this way for a week or so. I have some reason to believe my terrible mood swings, irritabilitiy and etc is just due to a high level of estrogen or something in my body, because normally I am every emotional, feely, touchy, blah blah, though I have my tendencies to want to be alone. But around my period, my mood swings and thoughts just get out of control and even I can't handle it. The horrid feelings that arise from within; sometimes my little heart can't take it.
But since I've stopped eating gluten this month (due to a belief that I may either have Celiac Disease or just be sensitive to gluten) but I have already stopped eating lactose, caffeine, alcohol, soda, and consuming excessive or an average amount of processed food/fast foods for over a year now and that hasn't helped my painful PMS symptoms.
I'm really scared this time around again because if it's not the gluten/wheat that has been hurting me during my periods like I thought, then it could be a good chance that I may have endometriosis or some shit. I don't see a regular doctor becuase I don't believe in them and they just force pharmaceuticals on you. I'm done with wasting my time. I either just listen to my body, cut out what I can, eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water and just use natural tips. My chiropractor has been helping me more than ANY goddamn DR has...she's an amazing natural, spiritual chiropractor who is experienced in her practices for over 16 years. She does this NATE treatment that tests my muscles for deficiencies or virus, or etc and she has me hold a vile with the name of what is pertaining to my symptoms/muscle when I was feeling very ill last month I went to see her and she told me I may be allergic to wheat.
So I will see these next few days what my body has in store for me. I've been in the best shape I've EVER been in. I weight no more than 98lbs, I'm 5'1" and all I drink is water, coconut water or the goddamn fresh fruit smoothies I make myself. I really hope that this is finally the answer to my physical pain because I don't' know if I can go one more month feeling like I need to throw up non-stop for hours at end. The nausea doesn't allow me to eat, sleep, talk, or even think. It's the most unbearable, longest lasting pain I've ever felt.
This has just started, with only a few times of it getting so bad I don't even know what to do. It's just a scary pain. I'm just staying strong, doing what I can. Yoga will be on my list tonight. Yoga and some Pulp Fiction with the boyfriend.
<3 Finally PINK
So happy I finally got to color my hair!! I've been waiting too long and I've just been slowly dying inside. Definitely had to do it before Summer was over as that had been my original plan. Better late than never.
Supposed to be writing up a few things right now for my other job but ehhh, feelin' lazy, unmotivated. Pretty sure that's the PMS, because I've been feeling this way for a week or so. I have some reason to believe my terrible mood swings, irritabilitiy and etc is just due to a high level of estrogen or something in my body, because normally I am every emotional, feely, touchy, blah blah, though I have my tendencies to want to be alone. But around my period, my mood swings and thoughts just get out of control and even I can't handle it. The horrid feelings that arise from within; sometimes my little heart can't take it.
But since I've stopped eating gluten this month (due to a belief that I may either have Celiac Disease or just be sensitive to gluten) but I have already stopped eating lactose, caffeine, alcohol, soda, and consuming excessive or an average amount of processed food/fast foods for over a year now and that hasn't helped my painful PMS symptoms.
I'm really scared this time around again because if it's not the gluten/wheat that has been hurting me during my periods like I thought, then it could be a good chance that I may have endometriosis or some shit. I don't see a regular doctor becuase I don't believe in them and they just force pharmaceuticals on you. I'm done with wasting my time. I either just listen to my body, cut out what I can, eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water and just use natural tips. My chiropractor has been helping me more than ANY goddamn DR has...she's an amazing natural, spiritual chiropractor who is experienced in her practices for over 16 years. She does this NATE treatment that tests my muscles for deficiencies or virus, or etc and she has me hold a vile with the name of what is pertaining to my symptoms/muscle when I was feeling very ill last month I went to see her and she told me I may be allergic to wheat.
So I will see these next few days what my body has in store for me. I've been in the best shape I've EVER been in. I weight no more than 98lbs, I'm 5'1" and all I drink is water, coconut water or the goddamn fresh fruit smoothies I make myself. I really hope that this is finally the answer to my physical pain because I don't' know if I can go one more month feeling like I need to throw up non-stop for hours at end. The nausea doesn't allow me to eat, sleep, talk, or even think. It's the most unbearable, longest lasting pain I've ever felt.
This has just started, with only a few times of it getting so bad I don't even know what to do. It's just a scary pain. I'm just staying strong, doing what I can. Yoga will be on my list tonight. Yoga and some Pulp Fiction with the boyfriend.
<3 Finally PINK
Yeah I totally agree, soaking up lots of sunshine is very important to me and my happiness! I'm also lucky enough to catch lots of sunrises and sunsets.
Best of luck for the job, I really hope you get it!
I hope you get your health issues sorted soon too. Enjoy the yoga and pulp fiction tonight!