Well goddamn I've been MIA. Still baking, getting paid well, still with my boyfriend who I love so much more than ever because of the difficult times he has and continues to help me through. Still dont have a computer, but in a few months that will all change because I'm moving aout to another apartment in a more secluded area with my boyfriend only...
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cute girl! ^^
So things seem to finally be coming together now...slowly but surely.

My boyfriend and I have been having a bit of some roommate issues with my cousin being one of our roommates, and a coworker of theirs being another. Lack of responsibility, late payments on bills, being inconsiderate, just the typical "roommate problems", for those of you who have had roommates definitely know what I...
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So today I am starting to take up yoga again to help with my anxiety and panic that I feel almost always.

I have never been to a doctor to get "diagnosed" for something psychologically wrong, but I feel from the reading I have done, and the psychology I began studying in high school, which led me to a psych major in college (which I...
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