I've picked up a few new cds this month.
Of them, I'd highly suggest Coheed, Disturbed and Horrorpops. They're the top three of the ones that I purchased. They've shown the most growth and the most excellent vocals and lyrics.
Among others I got Trapt's new album and 10 Years (I saw them at Xfest, they honestly weren't all that bad). I picked up a couple of others too, but those were older CDs I just never got around to purchasing.
I'm still figuring out all the functions on my fucking digital camera... I misplaced the instruction manual already. Well the English one anyhow, too bad I don't speak/read Spanish.
Flo, from work, lent me a few DVDs. XXX: State of the Union wasn't too bad. Hitchikers Guide kinda, well, sucked monkey balls. Crash was good, had a decent cast. I still have Fever Pitch to watch.
I need to go back to target and get the "I'm having an out of money experience" shirt I saw.
I ramble far too much, seriously.
I'll be spending all of tomorrow, or rather what hours permitted, in the ceramics lab getting covered in wet clay. I fully intend to blow my instructor away, because, yeah I took it for 4 years and I'd like to think I know something about the damned Ceramics class. He makes me feel so fucking stupid and just, I don't know why I bother to try. He can't remember my name because only god knows why. He compliments my work, and all kinds of stuff, but when he tries to say my name he cannot remember it (you'd think the red hair and septum piercing would stand out in a class filled with middleaged mothers and blonde barbies, it doesn't). So it makes me feel like I have to work 2x's as hard because, how can I get a good grade if he has no clue what work is mine?
I finished MaryAnnMitchell's "The Vampire DeSade." I need to get the rest of her series, I'm addicted. I love Vampires and the Marquis deSade interests me so very much. That man, at least in my opinion, walked that fine line between geniuous(sp?) and insanity, and crossed it.
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Of them, I'd highly suggest Coheed, Disturbed and Horrorpops. They're the top three of the ones that I purchased. They've shown the most growth and the most excellent vocals and lyrics.
Among others I got Trapt's new album and 10 Years (I saw them at Xfest, they honestly weren't all that bad). I picked up a couple of others too, but those were older CDs I just never got around to purchasing.
I'm still figuring out all the functions on my fucking digital camera... I misplaced the instruction manual already. Well the English one anyhow, too bad I don't speak/read Spanish.
Flo, from work, lent me a few DVDs. XXX: State of the Union wasn't too bad. Hitchikers Guide kinda, well, sucked monkey balls. Crash was good, had a decent cast. I still have Fever Pitch to watch.
I need to go back to target and get the "I'm having an out of money experience" shirt I saw.
I ramble far too much, seriously.
I'll be spending all of tomorrow, or rather what hours permitted, in the ceramics lab getting covered in wet clay. I fully intend to blow my instructor away, because, yeah I took it for 4 years and I'd like to think I know something about the damned Ceramics class. He makes me feel so fucking stupid and just, I don't know why I bother to try. He can't remember my name because only god knows why. He compliments my work, and all kinds of stuff, but when he tries to say my name he cannot remember it (you'd think the red hair and septum piercing would stand out in a class filled with middleaged mothers and blonde barbies, it doesn't). So it makes me feel like I have to work 2x's as hard because, how can I get a good grade if he has no clue what work is mine?
I finished MaryAnnMitchell's "The Vampire DeSade." I need to get the rest of her series, I'm addicted. I love Vampires and the Marquis deSade interests me so very much. That man, at least in my opinion, walked that fine line between geniuous(sp?) and insanity, and crossed it.
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*ps* im David, nice to meet you
i'm looking forward to hearing the songs live next month.
nice too meet you. <3