Ok I know it's been a REAL long time since I wrote anything here, but let's catch up shall we. My job is going awesome, been there less then a year and am working on my 4th raise.
My grandfather died last week, so things have been pretty hard dealing with that, but I went to ozzfest today and took out some aggression. Unfortunately that's...
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My grandfather died last week, so things have been pretty hard dealing with that, but I went to ozzfest today and took out some aggression. Unfortunately that's...
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So I got to meet KoRn again, got to see them for the 5th time, but my first time seeing them in a small venue. That was awesome. But hurt. Alot. just ow................mosh pits are fun........
I'm really confused about the girl i'm with right now. I guess I just don't know if I feel the way to her that she does to me. She...
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I'm really confused about the girl i'm with right now. I guess I just don't know if I feel the way to her that she does to me. She...
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Hey babes ... so sorry, but you've been deleted from the always wonderful "friends-list".
Its nothing personal .. I just dont really know you, and thats why Gods created that bookmark feature.
Im just not ready for this commitment now .. maybe if we take it slow, I might be ready to make that jump.
Its nothing personal .. I just dont really know you, and thats why Gods created that bookmark feature.
Im just not ready for this commitment now .. maybe if we take it slow, I might be ready to make that jump.
When did the generation that protested about, "Make love not war" turn into the generation that thinks we're the ones that fucked everything up and we're too big of rebels that are never going anywhere in life? Just randomly irritated bout dumb stuff.
Listening to: Hypnotize by System of a Down
Listening to: Hypnotize by System of a Down
So today royally sucked.......while at work i almost cut the tip of my middle finger on my left hand off, went to the hospital (which I have a fear of and was left by myself for 2 hours so i started freaking out so badly they were debating whether or not to book a room in the psychiatric ward for me) was told they couldn't...
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Thanks for the comment on my set
Excellent music taste.
Symphony X is amazing..

Excellent music taste.

So recently one of my best friends broke up with his girlfriend, ending a four year relationship.........which is a pretty damn impressive thing as far as i'm concerned. Not ending it the fact that it lasted that long......but he started developing feelings for my little sister. At first he said nothing would happen unless I gave the ok and at first I told him no....
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Ok so my boss is offering free culinary classes which is awesome because i've been wantin to go back to culinary school for a while..........unfortunately it's every monday morning at 8am...........which on a normal day is 3 hours after I normally go to bed.........luckily I don't have to go this week cuz he moved the place where he's holding it to someplace off island which...
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So yea i opened a fortune cookie today which told me there was travel in my future.......which I didn't need no stinking cookie to tell me since i'm going to visit a friend in Wisconsin the weekend before halloween.....me and her are goin to fright fest at the six flags out there.....then i'm visiting another friend in North Carolina and possible some family out there...
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thank you dear.
Have you ever noticed that every person who is a huge toughguy or puts on a tough persona.......always seems to have a soft spot for certain love songs? Random question I know but interesting enough..........tonight i'm on a downloading spree and i'm getting cheesy love songs.....why I couldn't tell you.....I just enjoy listening to random things.......PEACE
Listening to: Hello by Lionel Richie
Listening to: Hello by Lionel Richie
you might kill me for suggesting, but my favorite love song is "Mountain" by Good Charlotte. *ducke*
ok so yea it's been a while since i've updated let's bring it up to code.........things are doin better for me now......I love my new job......caught up on some major bills.......fell in love with a new band called Symphony X....if you haven't heard them and you like metal you should definately listen to them (not death metal, more like Iron Maiden metal)...............and worked out a...
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quick update. My girlfriend broke up with me, so basically this is just to say that I wish I had better luck with girls. Tool and Iron Maiden are soothing me out right now so i'll be good.
for the comment on my set hun
and dont worry about your girlfreind, women are all cunts

and dont worry about your girlfreind, women are all cunts
Alright so things have gotten better since the last update. I got a new job which I absolutely love. I'm cooking again, but this time the restaurant isn't corporate, so they let me wear whatever, they don't bitch if I don't shave, and they let me leave in whatever visual piercings I have, so as soon as I can afford it i'm getting my eyebrow...
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I have had a real lousy past couple of days. First off, I walked out on my job cuz I was sick and tired of them dicking me around everytime I looked. They expected me on wednesday night to train 2 guys on how to both cook and close 2 seperate parts of the line, by myself, and it was both of their first nights....
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