i have discovered that one can spend a hell of a long time planning a sleeve. on and on and on i search - sitting at my computer while my arse slowly starts to go numb - get far too absorbed me thinks. but on and on i go until my little heads even more crammed with ideas and inspiration than before! ahh...

however i...
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SGAU National hookup..... please read it! smile
Paul Booth im a fan of as I have two of his designs tattoo'd on my canvas. I was looking for a dragon design that I liked for god knows how long, I stumbled upon it in a tattoo studio. It has some slight adjustments to it but im pleased with it. Sorry I can't help you with any direction but you'll know what you want when you see it. smile
hey guys!

wow. anyway - i am about to move my profile in with devastaion - as we have hooked up - YAY! best mates turned all sloppy + romantic like. my friends are all cheesed out but saw it coming way before we did! we are loving it. all the attention + sugar bunnies! so anyway - just a warning - i'm going to...
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blush awww
my heart feels shaky. feel very strange being in this body, how after living a life of fucking games and manipulation and abuse can i attract something so real and not be jaded enough to really want it? i don't feel like i deserve it. deserve what? i don't have anything yet. my mind conjures up images of a situation and i'm swaying towards something...
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are you ok sweet? if you need a chat just let me know. i soooo know what its like to feel all screwy in the head, so if you need a shoulder im here ok smile

but for now, here's a big hug!


wow, it's been so long. i feel ashamed! considering i am paying for this and i have forgotten all about being on here. well anyway... not much news unfortunately. have been painting lots, portraits, am ditching the graphic design career for bigger and better more meaningful passions. about bloody time.
so yeah, i am an artist finally breaking out of my shell of self...
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hey sweet smile nice to hear from you!! its good to hear thats things are moving forward for you, you've given me some insiration to get out of this downward spiral thats caught me over the past few weeks and get back on top!!! its hard though isnt it.

big smiles and a hug to you biggrin
Hi! You're on my friends list but i don't believe i've spoken to you before?? I'm never on here so my memory is pretty vacant. I also used to be a graphic designer... it's very satisfying breaking away from ze computer smile
i didn't realise how much fun bowling with a few mates on a sunday afternoon can be, will be sure to do it again. fun! fun! fun! smile
Awww really!

There's heaps of photo's from the night on inthemix.com.au

Some very trashbag photo's of me too blush

PS. Bowling rocks!
I used to work at a bowling alley, but I got better at playing buck hunter than at bowling, cos it was free and bowling wasn't. BUCK HUNTER RULES! Out the back with the machines is cool and would be a cool place to fuck. I think most of the mechanics have done so at some time or another. Its just that natural thing that goes through your head when you see it..."How cool would it be to fuck out here!" Ok enough of my rambling... I am seriously considering taking you up on the Opeth company offer, even though we have never met. Please don't tell me its sold out. If you really will let me tag along, I will go get a ticket. You going out drinking anywhere this weekend?
got a new flatmate...

he's fucking awesome, so chilled - yay!. love love love how things just seem fall into place at times, just when i think the universe hates me... and life seems to be this mundane suckful process! ok ok, i'm not soooo bad. i have my moments.

anyway for some reason i scare him a little confused hehe, maybe it was that awesome...
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must get some more pictures, the profile one's a bit sucky.

wow... it's only been months of being here, i just joined to look at pretty pictures and stuff thinking that i'd not really like the whole journal thingy but here it goes...

i can't make it to the suicide girls show which is really sad, but i'm making up for it with opeth tickets...
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