woo back from hamburg and kopenhagen..
hamburg was amazing! two nights of beer and ncie people, great music, and having loads of fun
kopenhagen was a bit dull though.. nothing much happening there if you're on your own and not knowing any inside things.. ahh well, stil lfound a ncie record shop and some crazy stores. Plus a book cafe, to sit and read(the incredible adam spark!) cool place to read a book
so at what places do you people like reading books?
hamburg was amazing! two nights of beer and ncie people, great music, and having loads of fun
kopenhagen was a bit dull though.. nothing much happening there if you're on your own and not knowing any inside things.. ahh well, stil lfound a ncie record shop and some crazy stores. Plus a book cafe, to sit and read(the incredible adam spark!) cool place to read a book
so at what places do you people like reading books?
Hamburg is great and I really should go ack there sometime.
I like reading on my balcony... or on some cafe. I don't read as much as I want to though
I can't wait
I don't like tv...except Discovery channel. I love movies though... especially horrormovies.