Hey Love bugs,
Sorry it's been a minute since I've updated. Life has been quite hectic lately. My Momma Bear graduated college last weekend and all of our family was in town, so I took a few days off to go hang out in San Diego. I have mucho mucho pics I'll be posting in the nearish future.
I want nothing more than to enjoy my bloody mary I made and just veg out. I'm super over work right now. They are opening some new stores and taking all of our best workers and leaving us will all these new hires to train. It's super frustrating to have to pull everyone's weight. I don't like being so stressed out. My only saving grace is getting my frustration out at the gym.
Today was even to stressful for that. I had to choose a stronger substance. Que alcohol and bud. Customers were especially rude today, and we were like 5 people down for almost our entire lunch rush. Everyone is trying to get comfortable in their new positions so there is really no one to take the lead, and give direction. No one capable of taking a step back and assessing the situation rather than just doing what first comes to mind.
Argh. We've always been the number one store, and sometimes that's not great because you get ignored by all the hire ups. You have to send out some serious S.O.S. before they realize we can't handle everything that comes our way by ourselves. I've been through a couple new store openings now so I know it will get better in time after everyone get's into the flow, but I just don't know if the newbies are willing to hack it, which will make it even more stressful. Eeeep.
I have to just keep my head up and keep on smiling. Fake it till you make it right?
Anywhoo sorry for the long rant.
I promise a longer, happier, fun filled blog next time.
Sorry it's been a minute since I've updated. Life has been quite hectic lately. My Momma Bear graduated college last weekend and all of our family was in town, so I took a few days off to go hang out in San Diego. I have mucho mucho pics I'll be posting in the nearish future.
I want nothing more than to enjoy my bloody mary I made and just veg out. I'm super over work right now. They are opening some new stores and taking all of our best workers and leaving us will all these new hires to train. It's super frustrating to have to pull everyone's weight. I don't like being so stressed out. My only saving grace is getting my frustration out at the gym.
Today was even to stressful for that. I had to choose a stronger substance. Que alcohol and bud. Customers were especially rude today, and we were like 5 people down for almost our entire lunch rush. Everyone is trying to get comfortable in their new positions so there is really no one to take the lead, and give direction. No one capable of taking a step back and assessing the situation rather than just doing what first comes to mind.
Argh. We've always been the number one store, and sometimes that's not great because you get ignored by all the hire ups. You have to send out some serious S.O.S. before they realize we can't handle everything that comes our way by ourselves. I've been through a couple new store openings now so I know it will get better in time after everyone get's into the flow, but I just don't know if the newbies are willing to hack it, which will make it even more stressful. Eeeep.
I have to just keep my head up and keep on smiling. Fake it till you make it right?

Anywhoo sorry for the long rant.
I promise a longer, happier, fun filled blog next time.
thanks so much. I never did give up after 4 years and yes I finally received my "reward" ya!!
cute cute cute