I've been a busy little bee lately. The ladies and I went bowling! It was so so much fun. I sucked so badly, we all did, haha but it was such a great little spot I'm excited to go back. I don't know why, but whenever there's a camera around we tend to get all weird and make silly faces hahaha
My Co worker had an after halloween, halloween party. It was so silly, I was such a mess haha. I had so much fun though. I'm not the biggest fan of IPA's and that's what my co worker had a keg of, I started off with whiskey and then moved to the keg, oyve. I couldn't stop commenting on how hoppy it was. It was so silly.
Last weekend the ladies went out for drinks at Dillons. I Love that they have $3 beers on tap. Such a great selection. I didn't used to like beer, but it's definitely grown on me. Nom Nom Nom.
I took some pictures =) I was bored one day. You know how it goes haha.
If anyone in L.A. would like to get together p.m. me! I have weekends free and I'd love to meet some new people <3
anywhoo that's all for now! I hope everyone is have a wonderful weekend!
Until next time,
Here are random things that have made me laugh or smile lately! Hope they do the same for you.