I've been uber busy with school and finals and what not.
work has been absolutely amazing! But I forgot how tiring working full time is.
I finally shot a set by the gorgeous Milloux ! She did and amazing job and I loved working with her. Jaxy Got some really amazing behind the scene shots. It was so hard to pick just one to show you guys but I have to keep some suspense

I was so amazed by all these wonderful naked ladies I forgot to take my own behind the scene shots but I did get some of Jaxy's sexy multi =)
I almost forgot! I got my leopard print tattoo touched up this past week and then got another tattoo on my back. It turned out so pretty, props to Tim at American Electric Tattoo. He does such solid work. The handwriting turned out so well.
I'm loving the new roommate situation. My friend is amazing I love her so much and we get a long so well.
I'm just super excited about how life is going lately.
I'm still kicking ass at work, except I'm having to take a menu test on Monday and it's so hard to study for! After this blog is done I have to get back to that womp womp.
I'm feeling a lot better about my decision to go for it and try to become a Suicide Girl. There were some lame people this week trying to bring me down about my decision but I was finally like screw you. I'm going to do what I want and have so much fun in the process.
Haters gon' Hate /gangster
Oh my 21st birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and 1 day. =) I can't wait to see my Mollie Moo and celebrate our birthdays together meoooow.
I'm starting to get back in to party mode. It really wasn't my thing for a minute buuuut that's changed.
I still enjoy taking random pictures
I'm really into photo editing still. I need to get in some more classes pronto.
Oh. this is dorky but I'm really proud of myself for getting better acquainted with the spanish language.... mostly curse words and insults at this point since that's all my kitchen boys will teach me, but it's a start.
they like to hear me cuss because I sound like minnie mouse apparently lol.
The rest of these pictures are randoms.
enjoy haha
anywhooo I think that's all for now.
Send me a message I'd love to hear from you =)
I apologize if it takes a minute to get back but I do try my hardest to respond quickly.
till next time