Soooo I'm a little frustrated.
I found out the other day my best friend was getting kicked out of her place and had no where to go, we were just spit balling ideas on what she should do and it just came up that maybe she should try to transfer up here and come stay with me, well it all happened so fast and it looks like it's going to happen! I'm so so excited. it's going to be so refreshing living with someone who's company I actually enjoy. We have the same demeanor, very laid back but not fucking disgusting, stoners, love to adventure, you know the works. So I'm sure you're wondering why the hell I would be frustrated right? well the story isn't over yet....
So I have a roommate as I'm sure you all know because I've complained about her quite often. now that it's all set in stone I had to deal with her.
I am really not a mega bitch that just kicks someone out on the street I swear. But we had agreed in the very beginning it was a month to month lease and just give a 30 day notice if something isn't working out.
well she was all fine and dandy with that idea when she thought she was going to get a job offer to move across the country within the next few months, turns out it didn't happen.
So I texted her this morning asking her what time she was going to come home because we need to talk, she harassed me and kept telling me she didn't want to wait to just text her what was going on which I absolutely hate because I don't do text confrontation I think it's lame, but I decided to just tell her the situation about my best friend getting kicked out and i'm sorry but I have to give her a 30 day notice.
She goes all bitchfest on me and is like " I know it's your friend but honestly that's not my problem" Why do I need to get kicked out because she got kicked out, sounds like a problem she needs to figure out for herself."
I about died.
So I was very upset and I simply said, i'm sorry you feel that way now but we agreed on a month to month lease and you were okay with that when you thought you had a job offer and that's really not My problem that fell through.... so....
she said we'd definitely talk about it later.
So I've been waiting for a huge confrontation all day because I know she get's off and heads home around 5, low and behold 6 hours later the little chickenshit decided not to come home, or at least come home really late.
it's aggravating! Every time I hear footsteps I think it's going to be her and I start to mentally prepare myself for the fight I know is going to happen but she has to be lame and not just come home and deal with it.
I'm tired and an old lady and I just want to go to bed, but I was really hoping I could go to bed with this drama all resolved or at least all out on the table ya know??
sorry for the novel guys I just needed to vent.
I found out the other day my best friend was getting kicked out of her place and had no where to go, we were just spit balling ideas on what she should do and it just came up that maybe she should try to transfer up here and come stay with me, well it all happened so fast and it looks like it's going to happen! I'm so so excited. it's going to be so refreshing living with someone who's company I actually enjoy. We have the same demeanor, very laid back but not fucking disgusting, stoners, love to adventure, you know the works. So I'm sure you're wondering why the hell I would be frustrated right? well the story isn't over yet....
So I have a roommate as I'm sure you all know because I've complained about her quite often. now that it's all set in stone I had to deal with her.
I am really not a mega bitch that just kicks someone out on the street I swear. But we had agreed in the very beginning it was a month to month lease and just give a 30 day notice if something isn't working out.
well she was all fine and dandy with that idea when she thought she was going to get a job offer to move across the country within the next few months, turns out it didn't happen.
So I texted her this morning asking her what time she was going to come home because we need to talk, she harassed me and kept telling me she didn't want to wait to just text her what was going on which I absolutely hate because I don't do text confrontation I think it's lame, but I decided to just tell her the situation about my best friend getting kicked out and i'm sorry but I have to give her a 30 day notice.
She goes all bitchfest on me and is like " I know it's your friend but honestly that's not my problem" Why do I need to get kicked out because she got kicked out, sounds like a problem she needs to figure out for herself."
I about died.
So I was very upset and I simply said, i'm sorry you feel that way now but we agreed on a month to month lease and you were okay with that when you thought you had a job offer and that's really not My problem that fell through.... so....
she said we'd definitely talk about it later.
So I've been waiting for a huge confrontation all day because I know she get's off and heads home around 5, low and behold 6 hours later the little chickenshit decided not to come home, or at least come home really late.
it's aggravating! Every time I hear footsteps I think it's going to be her and I start to mentally prepare myself for the fight I know is going to happen but she has to be lame and not just come home and deal with it.
I'm tired and an old lady and I just want to go to bed, but I was really hoping I could go to bed with this drama all resolved or at least all out on the table ya know??
sorry for the novel guys I just needed to vent.
Wow that really sucks..... hope that all works out. Glad you could vent....
hope you feel better. 

Woohoo! Lots of pretty girls stalking me.
Ya'know you could always just stalk me at my house... I'm only like 45mins from Disneyland.