Hello there.
So the night was weird. Turned out some things dont change much. Never will they.
Also turns out some people dont hate me as I thought they did. So I'm relieved.

I'm a little foggy, sorry.
oui bien sr d'autres sont prvus...jusqu' temps que quelqu'un me supplie d'arrter smile
Yesss the villette sonique festival's programation is so awesome... Liars, black lips, dan deacon, deerhoof, ligntening bolt, duchess says... Most of it for free ! It makes the not-going to the primavera sound festival a little less frustrating !
See you there.
this might be fun :

1. Do you like blue cheese? yes yes yes

2. Have you ever been drunk? way too often

3. Do you own a gun? actually, I do... But it's not quite in good shape, dont think it would work.

4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? I never had some, what a shame...

5. Do you get nervous...
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yeah it sounds cheesy. but in a good way smile
i totally know what you mean.
have a great weekend
Hey there,
Looks like summer's back here. I just had lunch in the garden, in the sun, with bird singing and all. Then I had coffee and "cigarettes"... I feel relieved I made it through the winter maybe. I had a hard time recently, but there in the sun I couldn't think anything else than "life is good".
Usually my summers are dreadful, worst time...
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Winters for me tend to be dreadful, this winter has proven the same. ;]
How does J-pop work ? I mean, it's poor music, with lyrics I dont understand a single word of, but it sometimes saves my day...
Ok ok, I admit... I laughed... a lot. but don't tell anyone. wink
I cannot like any music if i don't understand the lyrics.

So awesome...

Going to spend a week in paris soon, taking holiday from my home. Maybe that's what I need. Anyway spending time with my brothers cant be wrong. I'm going to see Omar Rodriguez live at the "point fmr", I haven't seen a live show in a very long time (considering I used to go at two shows a week when I was in university). It...
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I'm sick as hell. And it's not such a bad thing, it forces me to get some sleep and eat corretly. Which I havent done in months. It took me more than a week to recover from realising I still had something to lose. Actually I dont really feel like it's positive. I wish I was fearless. When I last broke up I thought "this...
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H t'es trop fort toi!^^
J'ai bien shoot a la kize ou, d'ailleurs j'y bosse smile