Yesterday I was walking on the sidewalk and I saw a dead bird with a broken wing. It reminded me of something I had totally forgotten.
When I was in middle school I found a bird with a broken wing in the garden of my house. I gave him shelter and food and everything. But he was sick, and he soon stopped singing. And he...
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When I was in middle school I found a bird with a broken wing in the garden of my house. I gave him shelter and food and everything. But he was sick, and he soon stopped singing. And he...
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I spent the weekend with one of my colleagues in the South. It was fun because it was the first time I met her, though we've worked together for two years or so. On the internet.
But I almost had no sleep because of the flies and heat. And booze maybe too
In two weeks I'm going to Strasbourg for the weekend. It feels good...
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But I almost had no sleep because of the flies and heat. And booze maybe too

In two weeks I'm going to Strasbourg for the weekend. It feels good...
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J'aime bien tes commentaires, tu as l'air de quelqu'un de sensible et de raisonn.
Au plaisir de faire connaissance de faon un peu plus riche l'occasion

Au plaisir de faire connaissance de faon un peu plus riche l'occasion

Last night I saw the Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky, and it might very well be my favourite movie ever. It's funny because the last 3 movies I saw are some of my favourites. Exept for Anchorman, which is just beyond all comparisons
Any advice of other awesome movies ? I want some.

Any advice of other awesome movies ? I want some.
Mon copain m'a fait voir la montagne sacre il y a peu de temps...Lui est fan, moi j'avoue que ce film m'a mis extrmement mal l'aise, sans que je sache dire pourquoi ! Apparemment El Topo est trs bien aussi...
I'm lonely and thirsty.
T'as qu' lui dire de mettre des rajouts aux narines 

Oui, sexypeople, je connaissais, c'est affligeant !
So I went to this family meeting/hiking this weekend. I met my father's cousins, for the first time as far as I remember. It's funny because every time I meet someone new, I cant help from seeing how weirdly broken they are, how crooked. Some are trying to hide their blatant alcoholism, their inability to love their son. Their son is trying to understand authority...
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My karma is balanced : I lost and lost again at poker last night, which had never happened to me... But I had a nice text message from my crush. I dont know what I'll have to lose at to get any further
Sunday I had one of the most violent hangovers in my entire life. I even watched Formule 1 with my best friend,...
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Sunday I had one of the most violent hangovers in my entire life. I even watched Formule 1 with my best friend,...
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Ahah mais blondinet c'tait gentil, n'y vois aucune familiarit mal place hein ^^
So it's gonna be the family. See you another time Paris.
Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my Mrs Mia Wallace set last week! 

So I have a "tough" choice to make :
Going to the villette sonique festival in paris with friends, probably be drunk as shit for two days and then go back to work.
Or, going to a sort of "family meeting" with cousins etc, which is kind of softer. But I'm kind of really tired so I dont know. I might flip a coin.
Going to the villette sonique festival in paris with friends, probably be drunk as shit for two days and then go back to work.
Or, going to a sort of "family meeting" with cousins etc, which is kind of softer. But I'm kind of really tired so I dont know. I might flip a coin.
Les deux: Villette Sonique le mercredi soir (j'essaierai de pas trop t'en vouloir) et ta famille aprs.

Oula oui.
Euh, choisis en fonction de ton taux d'alcoolmie?
(Personnellement part Sunn O))) je vois rien de passionnant... mais bon The Grimmrobe c'est comme Oracle, j'en pleurerai toute ma vie d'avoir loup a)
Euh, choisis en fonction de ton taux d'alcoolmie?
(Personnellement part Sunn O))) je vois rien de passionnant... mais bon The Grimmrobe c'est comme Oracle, j'en pleurerai toute ma vie d'avoir loup a)
I'm sick again.
Two weeks a month is a little too much, I'm starting to loose my patience over my body. Do you have an idea where I can get a new one ?
Take care
Two weeks a month is a little too much, I'm starting to loose my patience over my body. Do you have an idea where I can get a new one ?
Take care
si jamais tu trouves files moi ton contact, je pense avoir attrap la grippe porcine..

Ca marche.
Et puis on dit pas nul, on dit exprimental
Et puis on dit pas nul, on dit exprimental

It's insane how I can sometimes change my mind. When I was in middle school I thought I would never ever fall in love, love was stupid, crying for a girl was stupid. Over a week I was in love with a girl, and well I have to admit I cried. For three years or so. It seems kind of cheesy now lol. But anyway...
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"something else than vengeance", c'est le meilleur choix faire oui
Je ne connais pas ton histoire en dtail mais tu m'as l'air d'avoir terriblement souffert... Ne laisse pas tes amis de ct, au contraire continue te consacrer ce(ux) que tu aimes, reste fort dans ta tte et je t'assure que tu t'en remettras, et que tu seras plus fort qu'avant.

Je ne connais pas ton histoire en dtail mais tu m'as l'air d'avoir terriblement souffert... Ne laisse pas tes amis de ct, au contraire continue te consacrer ce(ux) que tu aimes, reste fort dans ta tte et je t'assure que tu t'en remettras, et que tu seras plus fort qu'avant.