Pas de soucis
D'aprs ce que m'a dit mon htesse Lussie samedi c'est balade dans la ville donc y aura trs certainement moyen de trouver le moment de se boire un verre quelque part (je dis a dans le vague, je ne connais pas du tout Lyon ^^).
Je te donne mon numro en MP, ce sera plus simple
Sinon a a l'air chouette l'Italie, j'aimerais bien y aller, mme si le fait de ne pas parler un mot d'italien me rebute un peu.
Et j'aime bien le nom de l'impasse aussi, c'est tellement vrai

Je te donne mon numro en MP, ce sera plus simple

Sinon a a l'air chouette l'Italie, j'aimerais bien y aller, mme si le fait de ne pas parler un mot d'italien me rebute un peu.
Et j'aime bien le nom de l'impasse aussi, c'est tellement vrai

Friday night at 9 PM, I'll be on holiday for a week.
It's the longest time without work I've had for the last two or three years.
I really really need those. One more week and I would have exploded.
So it's good news
I'm going to italy, I'll take pictures and post them here.
Until then, take care.
It's the longest time without work I've had for the last two or three years.
I really really need those. One more week and I would have exploded.
So it's good news

I'm going to italy, I'll take pictures and post them here.
Until then, take care.
Enjoy yourself!!
Hello there,
My new band finally got its myspace :
We're looking for venues for a tour in France, Belgium, North Italy and Switzerland (and mostly anywhere not too far) where we would be paid a little, and where we could play our gentle rock tunes. We're going on tour in october. Maybe until november. Tell me if you know anything.
Thank you.
My new band finally got its myspace :
We're looking for venues for a tour in France, Belgium, North Italy and Switzerland (and mostly anywhere not too far) where we would be paid a little, and where we could play our gentle rock tunes. We're going on tour in october. Maybe until november. Tell me if you know anything.
Thank you.
Tell me a joke, I need a good one.
Tu connais l'histoire de FlipFlap la Girafe ?
C'est une girafe qui se promne et un hlicoptre passe.
Et Flip Flap la girafe !
C'est une girafe qui se promne et un hlicoptre passe.
Et Flip Flap la girafe !
glad it made you laugh
chicago is a wonderful city... come visit sometime

chicago is a wonderful city... come visit sometime
Last night a random but pretty girl asked me to come to the bathroom with her. I went, but the bathroom was locked. I'm cursed.
God has a peculiar sense of humour I guess
God has a peculiar sense of humour I guess

I'm now on tweeter (yes, I have nothing else to do than telling everyone what I'm scarecely doing
If you look for BeeXlaura you should find me ! I guess. I dont really know how this thing works yet.

If you look for BeeXlaura you should find me ! I guess. I dont really know how this thing works yet.
I have a tweeter, I dont remember the log in info
Strasbourg, here I come !
Hide your wives and daughters
Hide your wives and daughters

profite bien et petit mp si tu veux boir un pot 

And I would kill for summer right now. It's cold. I lease an apartment with a pool and 8 months of the year its useless
Je ne dteste pas l't mais j'ai hte qu'il se termine, j'en ai marre de la chaleur, de voir des gens trop fashion-bronzs-lunettesdemouches partout...J'ai t hte de voir les couleurs de l'automne et je rve de boules de neige...