As for now, 2010 sucks big time.
I discovered my best friend and bandmate has been lying to me for the past 9 months about a pretty serious issue. He's the kind of guy to place his moral and principles above everything else and lesson you. Turns out it was all shit. I've know him for 10 years.
There's water leaking from the ceiling of...
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I made a little video today.
It's me awkwardly trying to make a tribute to Vic Chesnutt by playing one of his songs.
I only had my webcam to record it.
The quality is clearly shit.
Sorry about that.
And I'm quite uncomfortable. I tried to redo it a few times but it only got worse. So here's the first shot !

And oh, happy...
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Belle chanson de Vic Chesnutt, il faudrait vraiment que je me plonge un peu plus dans son oeuvre...
Mais j'espre bien que t'as pas couch avec tes colocs ouais!!biggrin
Hello there,
I'm back at my parents place for christmas. Like every year, I'm sick. Yay.
I just saw Juno (yes I know, I'm ten years late) and it made me feel kind of depressed. I mean, is it really how being 16 looks like ? If it is, I kind of missed the whole point, and I'd like to know who to turn to...
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your sick that sucks..merry christmas for you too
I don't feel Juno is an accurate portrait of being 16. I think the pregnancy is an exaggeration of the end of the world hard times that one feels they are struggling with at 16. I feel like most of the movie is more metaphorically 16 then actually.
Oh, I've been away for awhile, what did I miss ? smile
Je voudrais un petit appareil photo que je garderais dans ma poche en permanence afin de ne jamais rater une occasion de faire une photo smile

Et euh... je sais pas du tout ce que tu as louper smile
Paris was nice. We played fine. It was just madly exhausting. I think I'm going to need a whole week of rest just to get back to normal.
See ya.
Paris c'est toujours puisant (la remarque bien lourde d'une "provinciale")bok
Merci pour ton commentaire, tu as peut-tre raison: c'est sans doute la perspective de faire ce boulot 42 ans qui me fait peur !!
I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow, to play our first gig with my band on friday, on a boat called la Dame de Canton. It's gonna be nice I think. Better than it used to be at least smile
I'm currently more stressed about driving in Paris than playing a show.
If you live in Paris and dont have anything to do, you should come over.
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The last two days have actually been kind of great. I went to lyon to see some friends from university, some of them I hadn't crossed paths with for a year or so. I got wasted, and everyone looked happy to see me again, and it felt kind of nice to have a social life again. I seriously think I'm going to work on this...
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These days are busy, but paradoxically I dont have much to tell about, sorry about that.
This blog is like the shittiest blog on this site I guess tongue
Sorry about that too.
I have to stop apologising all the time.
Today, cleaning the house.
Getting ready for winter.
Chopping wood in the garden.
Trying to figure how to pay the rent.
How to make 10 with 5.
But the weather is fine smile
Hello everyone.
I'm quitting my job on friday. I've been working for two years there now. Spending all my time on my computer.
Conscequences : - I have mostly no social life, dont go out much, lost girlfriend or perspective of getting a new one. But : I made quite a lot of money, which I spent without thinking of course, I got paler, I...
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Tu apprcies la libert alors? smile C'tait quoi comme boulot?
a se passe...Je manque d'organisation et je panique vite par rapport la charge de boulot mais a va !
J'imagine ce que c'est de passer ta journe devant le net...au bout de 2h chercher des docs j'ai dj mal au crne...