Hello there,
How are you ?
I'm reading again ! I had stopped reading books in university, basically because I got drunk every night but now I have a little more time (the joys of unemployement).
What are you favourite books/writers ? I'm looking for more books. Though I'm still not halfway through Against the Day by Pynchon. This book is incredible so far.
So tell me, what should I read ?
How are you ?
I'm reading again ! I had stopped reading books in university, basically because I got drunk every night but now I have a little more time (the joys of unemployement).
What are you favourite books/writers ? I'm looking for more books. Though I'm still not halfway through Against the Day by Pynchon. This book is incredible so far.
So tell me, what should I read ?
Sinon niveau bouquins je suis assez mauvaise conseillre tant donn que je lis assez peur, par manque de temps essentiellement et aussi parce que je suis assez difficile. L je relis Crash! de Ballard qui me remue toujours autant, et je viens de finir un superbe livre qu'une amie m'a offert, Le peintre de batailles par Arturo Prez-Reverte.
Sinon "potiche d'interview" c'est parce que j'ai assist une copine journaliste sur quelques interviews de groupes et je me prsentais toujours en disant a, parce que techniquement je ne servais pas grand chose ( part boire des bires et raconter des blagues avec eux) ^^