It's insane how I can sometimes change my mind. When I was in middle school I thought I would never ever fall in love, love was stupid, crying for a girl was stupid. Over a week I was in love with a girl, and well I have to admit I cried. For three years or so. It seems kind of cheesy now lol. But anyway last week I was kind of low, I wanted to leave my friends and my band and go be a bum and play piano in amsterdam. Now it seems kind of a shitty idea. Oh well. Maybe someday I'll settle my mind on something else than vengeance.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 15, 2010
As for now, 2010 sucks big time. I discovered my best friend and ban… -
Saturday Jan 02, 2010
I made a little video today. It's me awkwardly trying to make a trib… -
Monday Dec 21, 2009
Hello there, I'm back at my parents place for christmas. Like every… -
Tuesday Dec 01, 2009
Oh, I've been away for awhile, what did I miss ? -
Wednesday Nov 04, 2009
Paris was nice. We played fine. It was just madly exhausting. I think… -
Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow, to play our first gig with my band on… -
Saturday Oct 10, 2009
The last two days have actually been kind of great. I went to lyon to… -
Saturday Oct 03, 2009
These days are busy, but paradoxically I dont have much to tell about… -
Monday Sep 28, 2009
Today, cleaning the house. Getting ready for winter. Chopping wood… -
Wednesday Sep 09, 2009
Hello everyone. I'm quitting my job on friday. I've been working for…
Je ne connais pas ton histoire en dtail mais tu m'as l'air d'avoir terriblement souffert... Ne laisse pas tes amis de ct, au contraire continue te consacrer ce(ux) que tu aimes, reste fort dans ta tte et je t'assure que tu t'en remettras, et que tu seras plus fort qu'avant.