It's insane how I can sometimes change my mind. When I was in middle school I thought I would never ever fall in love, love was stupid, crying for a girl was stupid. Over a week I was in love with a girl, and well I have to admit I cried. For three years or so. It seems kind of cheesy now lol. But anyway last week I was kind of low, I wanted to leave my friends and my band and go be a bum and play piano in amsterdam. Now it seems kind of a shitty idea. Oh well. Maybe someday I'll settle my mind on something else than vengeance.
More Blogs
Monday Jan 17, 2011
Good morning 2011, My parents are splitting up. My best friend is r… -
Tuesday Dec 21, 2010
Hello ! How have you been ? Picture time ! A few days ago the s… -
Sunday Nov 21, 2010
FUCK My best friend is in the hospital since last Wednesday. He wa… -
Wednesday Jul 14, 2010
Et vive la France ! -
Wednesday Jul 07, 2010
Hey ! Next week I'm going to be in Paris. I'm going to melt, but it … -
Monday Jun 14, 2010
Hello everyone, how have you been ? I think it's high time I post so… -
Thursday May 13, 2010
Hello everyone, How have you been ? It's been awhile since I last p… -
Wednesday Mar 17, 2010
Hello there, How are you ? I'm reading again ! I had stopped readi… -
Saturday Feb 20, 2010
Hello you, For a few months now, I've been thinking it's time for a… -
Thursday Feb 04, 2010
Sorry for the lack of update, I dont have much rejoicing to share the…
Je ne connais pas ton histoire en dtail mais tu m'as l'air d'avoir terriblement souffert... Ne laisse pas tes amis de ct, au contraire continue te consacrer ce(ux) que tu aimes, reste fort dans ta tte et je t'assure que tu t'en remettras, et que tu seras plus fort qu'avant.