Now onto something completely different...
Spring... You smell it? I do.
Mom sent me an email at work today to brighten my day. I'm gonna share it to do the same for maybe someone else....
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Are you getting glimpses of snowdrops and crocusses? They is a comming! Poking throught the cold earth and looking very hopeful for us all. Some flicks of colour in amongst the dirty browns and mossy greens. Soon the daffies will sunburst through and the goddess awakes. Phew. We can stretch and yawn and shake the dusty winter from us bones. I wish I was walking daily along hedgerows peeping in to see the tiny purple violets snuggling in the moss and old dead weeds, smelling the sea and feeling the fresh air on my face, and wind in my hair.
Laughing at young beasts playing excitedly in the sand, sniffing and puddling in rock pools and madly intoxicated by the freedom of just being able to run free.
What a beautiful world the goddess has given us, get out and enjoy it every moment you can. Gonna take time, pop off somewhere early, away from the nasty city, this weekend, to try and find some wild nature to revel in, but oh how i miss Ernin House! All the love of the world. xx
In other news I finally got an email from Scottish Power today for their grad scheme. So it looks like I might be off to another interview. Le sigh. I find the whole credit crunch thing has been kinda side swiped by myself. It a massive relief, but man, it all balances out somewhere. I have so many friends who are struggling. I kinda feel bad about going to interviews when I already have a job. Ah well... The TV keeps telling to 'Visit Scottland!' so I think I better.... It's lovely afterall. They usually last a few days, I might take a week and stay in Edinburgh or go up to Orkney or something, sorry, thinking aloud.... thinking in type.... is there a word for that? A word for a written thought process? I dunno... I bet there is one though, they have words for everything these days.
Definately worth the risk in future, if anything i think id probably be a little better prepared if it did all fall apart again!
you are truely wise