I just wrote a fucking storming blog.... and then the gay computer did a gayness.... gay.
So I did it in wordpad.... HA! 1 - Me, 0 - Stupid Computer.
Stressors Part 1 and maybe 1.5 and a half...
So I did it in wordpad.... HA! 1 - Me, 0 - Stupid Computer.
Stressors Part 1 and maybe 1.5 and a half...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
1. Housing Stress. I'm being evicted, good times. We want out, but the landlord et al have taken it inot their own hands. They can't take it to court becasue we have enough evidence to be able to get out of the contract and claim compensation. So it should be okay, but this is still a battle I have to fight from a distance. The house is in Birmimgham, I live in Nottingham. My hoisemates are useless cretins at the moment, one is unemplyed and I don't care what he says it's by choice, nobody is unemployed for 5 months if they are actively seeking work and can have a quality of life they are used to on minimum wage. The other is 'stressed' by his masters project handed in a week late because he play WOW all the fucking time. They have done fuck all with their time to help and now I have to take the whole case on.
2. Work Stress. I have completed my job in record time, woot, and have put my mind to a number of other problems that my employer is facing. However my contract does run out in like 2 months and I have no job security. They would love to keep me on they really do, but just creating a role is hard to do and they didn't think I'd be this great
. Why is this a stress? Well it just is.
3. Family Stress. Got back sunday, after getting a lift from a train friend and his girlfriend to home (thanks Stu, you legend) as my train was super delayed, to find Mom going through an episode, they happen a lot less these days, but it's hard. She's totally taken on help though this time which is a big step, she finds it hard asking help of others. But it meant that Dad and I were dealing with her aggression and an ambulance crew trying to get her overdose sorted at A+E. It's especially hard for Dad, he has to deal with all the... she must be abused at home looks. It just kinda scares me in a small child kind of way.
4. Personal Stress. I have nobody to go to with any of this. It's taking so much time for me to build up a decent friend base in Notts and it's rewarding, but occasionally I scare people off with the slight desperation, lol, I have to check myself...
But things look better. Still I miss having people I can go to with things that understand and support. Ya know.... that's a bit lame, but still, it's a stress.
The only reason I'm not dead inside... :meow:
I have started playing the open mic and acoustic scene in and around Notts. It's sooooo nice to play my own songs in intimate gigs with a nice solid reaction. It's the first time in 5 years I've had creative control over the music I play and it's nice. All I have to take is a pick and my acoustic.
Rather than....
1. Guitar (Gibson SG)
2. Guitar (Tanglewood Semi)
3. Keyboard (Roland SH101)
4. Keyboard (16 Channel MIDI controller and 2 octave bass board)
5. Drum Machine (Roland Dr Groove)
6. Mini Mixer (8 Channel Edirol Mixer)
7. 2 Teir Keyboard Stand (Kwik Lok we love you)
8. Amp (Ashdown Fallen Angel 2x12)
9. Extension Cab (Laney 2x12)
10. Pedal Board
i. Boss Tuner
ii. EHX The Worm
iii.Dunlop Cry Baby
iv. Boss Line Selector
v. EHX Small Stone
vi. Boss Flanger
vii. Boss Super Chorus
viii. ProCo Turbo Rat
ix. Boss Hyper Fuzz
x. Boss Distortion
xi. DHA Hot Plate Preamp
xii.Marshall Reflector Reverb
xiii. MXR Super Comp
xiv. EHX Mini POG
It's like breathing in central London and suddenly being on top of a green welsh mountain....... it's so fucking refreshing. I'll get back to playing in a full band again soon enough, but for the mo. This is the embodiment of my adoptive freedoms.
1. Housing Stress. I'm being evicted, good times. We want out, but the landlord et al have taken it inot their own hands. They can't take it to court becasue we have enough evidence to be able to get out of the contract and claim compensation. So it should be okay, but this is still a battle I have to fight from a distance. The house is in Birmimgham, I live in Nottingham. My hoisemates are useless cretins at the moment, one is unemplyed and I don't care what he says it's by choice, nobody is unemployed for 5 months if they are actively seeking work and can have a quality of life they are used to on minimum wage. The other is 'stressed' by his masters project handed in a week late because he play WOW all the fucking time. They have done fuck all with their time to help and now I have to take the whole case on.
2. Work Stress. I have completed my job in record time, woot, and have put my mind to a number of other problems that my employer is facing. However my contract does run out in like 2 months and I have no job security. They would love to keep me on they really do, but just creating a role is hard to do and they didn't think I'd be this great
3. Family Stress. Got back sunday, after getting a lift from a train friend and his girlfriend to home (thanks Stu, you legend) as my train was super delayed, to find Mom going through an episode, they happen a lot less these days, but it's hard. She's totally taken on help though this time which is a big step, she finds it hard asking help of others. But it meant that Dad and I were dealing with her aggression and an ambulance crew trying to get her overdose sorted at A+E. It's especially hard for Dad, he has to deal with all the... she must be abused at home looks. It just kinda scares me in a small child kind of way.
4. Personal Stress. I have nobody to go to with any of this. It's taking so much time for me to build up a decent friend base in Notts and it's rewarding, but occasionally I scare people off with the slight desperation, lol, I have to check myself...
The only reason I'm not dead inside... :meow:
I have started playing the open mic and acoustic scene in and around Notts. It's sooooo nice to play my own songs in intimate gigs with a nice solid reaction. It's the first time in 5 years I've had creative control over the music I play and it's nice. All I have to take is a pick and my acoustic.
Rather than....
1. Guitar (Gibson SG)
2. Guitar (Tanglewood Semi)
3. Keyboard (Roland SH101)
4. Keyboard (16 Channel MIDI controller and 2 octave bass board)
5. Drum Machine (Roland Dr Groove)
6. Mini Mixer (8 Channel Edirol Mixer)
7. 2 Teir Keyboard Stand (Kwik Lok we love you)
8. Amp (Ashdown Fallen Angel 2x12)
9. Extension Cab (Laney 2x12)
10. Pedal Board
i. Boss Tuner
ii. EHX The Worm
iii.Dunlop Cry Baby
iv. Boss Line Selector
v. EHX Small Stone
vi. Boss Flanger
vii. Boss Super Chorus
viii. ProCo Turbo Rat
ix. Boss Hyper Fuzz
x. Boss Distortion
xi. DHA Hot Plate Preamp
xii.Marshall Reflector Reverb
xiii. MXR Super Comp
xiv. EHX Mini POG
It's like breathing in central London and suddenly being on top of a green welsh mountain....... it's so fucking refreshing. I'll get back to playing in a full band again soon enough, but for the mo. This is the embodiment of my adoptive freedoms.
stress stress and more stress.....hope you get some sort of relief soon
sometimes simplifying things ( just the pick and acoustic) can make things more interesting......its almost like you can be more honest. id love to see it.