Cut The Crap, It's Zero Tolerance Time...
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Well we've (AKA my housemates and me) managed to claim new beds, bulbs and beyond from our fresh landlord.
He runs one of the local corner shops we all use fairly regularly for sundries, and often treats, and knows us fairly well. We had no idea he was a lord of land in these parts. Good show to be honest, free things and pretty much a public office for queries from che 'the house pimp'.
It's been one of the easiest moves I've made in a long while, I've been given a week to move out of my current place for free! I think the current landlord is sorry to see us go to be honest, we have after all been the best kind of tenants, AKA ones that fix things themselves.
Although the protracted change over has left the old house looking a bit weird, with half empty rooms and boxes everywhere. The last things to go will be the posters, after that this hallowed house will have reclaimed itself. All the doors have creaked since we moved in, despite efforts to the contrary and the smell of the place is creeping back. It'd have been nice to have left a mark of roast garlic, baked bread and weed on the place, but I think the walls are sweating with frustration at our over running. It reeks of the old tenants now or at least, how it did when we first moved in. Odd.
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I've been getting pretty excited about the random things we have planned for this summer. Planned and payed for and just planned so long as we can muster the chance and chutzpah to follow through. Most of them seem to be musical at the moment, I'm not too sure how heathly that is, but there you go. It seems a waste to not use the fact that I'm going to be living with two pretty shroud musicians, that I... in the words of Carl of ATHF, 'rethspect'.
This may include:
1. Re-recording of St Anger with a REAL snare, entitled Mitlca Presents: Stanger.
2. A full length pseudo compilation of cross genre tracks ranging from Emperor inspired Black Metal and 'plush' garden variety 'Emotional Hardcore' to Drum and Bass and 70s Disco, that may or may not be entitiled 'Dude, This IS The Scene.
3. Some, Bee Shocked Technique concept album of a ficticious ill faited live US tour called, Bee Shocked Technique Are Comming, Inside America.
4. Oh and I ought to finish that Bee Stealers EP... but I'm uninspired by solo efforts lately, so this may take time. I had to remove the last track I 'completed' from myspace to remix it about 24 hours. I'm not sure what it is, but none of it sounds right atm....
Then I Will Have Saved The World.................. of warcraft...
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@>~`------{{[| `` >_< -''''|' |]}}---> That is all!
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ten naki books for Mr BeeStealer...
warcraft huh? I assume your gunna "stick to the plan"? x x x