It's been awhile since I last had a massive rant about things, and by things I mean girls. I only do it because I love them so... and I do, pretty much all of them, lol. However, I'm bored of noisey social situations, dancefloor politics and arrogant rude people who feel that; just because your're a stranger you don't deserve the same courtesy they'd show even an aquaintance a lowly as 'that funny smelling guy off my course at college'.
Ya know I was about to launch into a huge essay on my crippling incompetence with lasses at clubs when I realised, after a lengthy bookface distraction, that it's just that. My own crippling incopetence is something I should learn to handle, but you know what? I don't really like 'pulling' at clubs, I just feel I should, I get wrapped up in the generation X (I'm not a member of) alchohol fueled E4's own Skins fashionista parady of TV's imitation of real life and forget myself. Basically I'm not gonna be really interested in a girl unless she approaches me through my ears, and not my eyes and if you're not really interested people can tell. I know this post has now turned into a low self esteem reassurance of myself, but you know I think I'm okay with that to (do you see what he did there... Hahaha, funny. Idiot - Ed).
Onward tonight to the wonderful Subculture at The Academy. I name checked because this is the first time I've been back to the said night since I worked there, which is like 3 years ago now! Fuck me, I have actually been in Birmingham a whole while these days, in fact I keep being here longer with every new day! Gosh. I hae no idea what to expect in the manor of differences, I assume there will be few. Went to the friday indie night at The Academy last night, Ramshackle, which was as dire as I remember, but with even less of the funky freaky crew who used to frequent. I saw no beehives or cocktail dresses!! Dull.
But then tonight we get sleeve tattoos, black hair, piercings and dark/neon eye liner... ... Shame bout all the above mentioned fine details of my character, but then what are you gonna do. I sure know what I'm going to be doing. Yeah that's right. Getting drunk and making a fool of myself by awkwardly having silent conversations on dancefloors and shaking my tail to such uber cool bands as, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco and 30 Seconds to Mars. Loz . Despite my, apparent to some, musical snobbery I do so very much love daft pop music...
Dull Post Today, Dull Post Tomora, Dull Post Yesterday. Metal!...
To combat the fact that my posts are always massively wordy, I'm gonna take this opportunity to pedal my favourite show.... again.
Dr Rockzo is the coolest character I have seen in anything animated in ages! And I watched Ghost In The Shell 2 last week.
One of my favourite thing to do at the mo is recommend this show to people. It rocks and it's NOT a piss take it's just really close to the bone. Most of the guys I know who play in Metal bands do that looking at each other sheepishly thing when they see it, as have I with former metal band mates. Genius. Subtle incredibly scarily knowing genius.
haha for sure! im watching jumanji- i havent seen this in years! get in yeh i went out and ended up passed out in a club toilet- a proper mess! feeling it today though. very poorly girl Xx