Lilandra axed the following questions within her own journal and my answers became so long winded (a character trait if ever there was one - ED) that I felt I may-as-well mak it a blog of my own.
1) What was your best present this yr?
2) What was your worst present?
3) Did you get what you wished for?
4) WHat are you hoping for in the ne yr?
1) Akira, the ultimate collectors box from my brother. He knows me so well and always makes a massive effort at Christmas. His Birthday is on the 21st, so all his present excitment is concentrated into 5 days, he's 24 and still the one that runs round the house at 6am waking everyone up to see what Santa brought, lol. Love him.
He also bought me the new Lilly Allen calendar as a bit of a silly gift. The mini pics on the back were annotated with descriptions of the pics that made me laugh my ass off when I opened it!
2) Pleather bum bag from Dad's parents. They have no clue and pretty much only do it out of duty, they hate me, second born artistic grandson. The my cousins get a pile labelled 'to our darling sweet whoever', I get 'for Jason', brother being eldest grandchild and a boy... actually lets not go there.
3) Not really if you're only taking physical things into account. Not a complaint, but I don't wish for anything at all really. I just like being with my family and the great food my Dad prepares (he's a bit of a gourmet chef type), the atmosphere is what does it for me. I never ask for certain gifts, I like the surprises and my parents never get it right if I do. For me it's about getting the odd thing I never knew I couldn't live without.
Such as a beautiful Chinese tea infuser my rents bought back from their big trip there this year. Also...
I LOVE GETTING SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR! I never buy it/resent spending my hard earned cash on it, myself and so always appreciate it on Christmas day.
4) To complete my degree and have no regrets about my results. To get myself sorted and get my skinny ass to Japan to get some teaching experinence teaching English as a foreign language before I think bought doing a PGCE. Also do some travelling, kinda included above.
This year is all about doing things and hoping for things, there will be no status quo so why bother trying to keep things even I say. I will no longer and maybe never be again, so tied to my education, so I'm going to try my best to just take this freedom and run with it!!!!
That basically sums up my 'Chrstmas Experience 2007'... other things happened and storied may unfold, but thats' it for now.
Ohhh.... apart from buying
THESE beautiful shoes in the Kurt Geiger sale. I am a big girl when it come to lavish clothing, shoes are pretty, everyone should know and appreciate that!
1) I haven't had any christmas presents. Only one, my mother gave me money because she didn't want to bother to get me what I wanted (a new sceen for my PC). And my friends know I hate presents because chistmas says so. So, the best present I had this year, if we count the whole year, is a Star Wars pop up guide a friend of mine bought me for no special reason.
2) The money my mother gave me. Don't get me wrong, money is always welcome, but I'd rather her to take the effort of looking for a present for me herself. And she always gives me money as I really need it, like if I couldn't take care of myself. With no reason at all, I live in a modern flat with a 65" TV, and have an indefinite contract as graphic designer in a very succesful company, so is not that I'm a crazy teenager bum.
3) NO. Not physical, nor any other sense of the term. But I couldn't care less...
4) A photography agent in NY has asked me a portfolio of my work. I hope I can get something useful from this