Pic heavy blog today with a bunch of my beer stuff...finally!
So to all the beergeeks out there...enjoy!
This is the main portion of the collection sitting above the cupboards in my kitchen area. This is nearly half of the 600 full botlles, the bottom shelf is two bottles deep on both sides.
The other side of the kitchen above the pantry closets...

8 cases in storage...

Here's my bar I'm almost finished with. The back of it has three huges shelves for glass ware. Still need to put the double curtain on the back. The Surly poster has a spotlight above it. I'll get a pic of it lit up later...
Beer fridge is in the background right behind it.

The top of the bar is made up of about 580 different caps and 4 Surly cans and a coaster. The top will eventually be poured with clear resin, but for now I will have a plexi top over it.

I"ll also get other pics of more beer related things over the next week or so including my beer fridge and some of the collection sitting on my book shelves. And just to think I use to have about 100 empty bottles too. Now thats about half as I used some for home brewing.
As for more pics for future visual stimulation I will have some of myself enjoying said beer...and cigars, painting, hiking, and some formal and informal nudes for the ladies to drool over.
Stay tuned...

So to all the beergeeks out there...enjoy!
This is the main portion of the collection sitting above the cupboards in my kitchen area. This is nearly half of the 600 full botlles, the bottom shelf is two bottles deep on both sides.

The other side of the kitchen above the pantry closets...

8 cases in storage...

Here's my bar I'm almost finished with. The back of it has three huges shelves for glass ware. Still need to put the double curtain on the back. The Surly poster has a spotlight above it. I'll get a pic of it lit up later...
Beer fridge is in the background right behind it.

The top of the bar is made up of about 580 different caps and 4 Surly cans and a coaster. The top will eventually be poured with clear resin, but for now I will have a plexi top over it.

I"ll also get other pics of more beer related things over the next week or so including my beer fridge and some of the collection sitting on my book shelves. And just to think I use to have about 100 empty bottles too. Now thats about half as I used some for home brewing.
As for more pics for future visual stimulation I will have some of myself enjoying said beer...and cigars, painting, hiking, and some formal and informal nudes for the ladies to drool over.

Stay tuned...