Wheeeeewww..its gonna be a muggy, sticky, stinky, keep the AC on kinda week I think.
This blog will have some funny pics of me at the end...so scroll down if ya want to skip all my drama...
So I guess I'm officially a shut in as I haven't left my place since Saturday at 4:30pm. Slept alot yesterday, ate, watched TV, read a book, slept more, ate more, never went out for my bike ride I thought I was gonna do. Just no motivation to do anything as of late. Getting depressed some now as I haven't had a serious date with someone in over two months and have been shot down about 5 times with the whole 'just want to be friends' thing.
Hmmm...majorly getting bummed...
Oh well...I'm gonna train tonight and sweat my ass off for sure. Come home, shower and go to bed. Hopefully I'll have some cash for Wednesdays Burlesque at Station 4? I might have to skip it? I almost got roped into doing the spot light last time and maybe if I agree to do it I'll get in for free? I'll have to talk to the gals and see whats up about that? And Project Runway will be on Wed. night too! Can't wait to see what they'll be making and who wins and who gets the "Auf Wiedersehen" - Heidi is oh so cute!
And this season has two gals I have little crushes on - Kelli & Kensey
Nothing much else planned this week so you might not see another blog from me for awhile until my lifes worth writing about. Not that it matters...
So to hold you in a bit of fun parting company here a couple pics of me from long ago...
first, me at age 10 in a crazy outfit I had to wear to my aunts wedding taken in my families living room decor.
This blog will have some funny pics of me at the end...so scroll down if ya want to skip all my drama...
So I guess I'm officially a shut in as I haven't left my place since Saturday at 4:30pm. Slept alot yesterday, ate, watched TV, read a book, slept more, ate more, never went out for my bike ride I thought I was gonna do. Just no motivation to do anything as of late. Getting depressed some now as I haven't had a serious date with someone in over two months and have been shot down about 5 times with the whole 'just want to be friends' thing.

Oh well...I'm gonna train tonight and sweat my ass off for sure. Come home, shower and go to bed. Hopefully I'll have some cash for Wednesdays Burlesque at Station 4? I might have to skip it? I almost got roped into doing the spot light last time and maybe if I agree to do it I'll get in for free? I'll have to talk to the gals and see whats up about that? And Project Runway will be on Wed. night too! Can't wait to see what they'll be making and who wins and who gets the "Auf Wiedersehen" - Heidi is oh so cute!

Nothing much else planned this week so you might not see another blog from me for awhile until my lifes worth writing about. Not that it matters...

So to hold you in a bit of fun parting company here a couple pics of me from long ago...
first, me at age 10 in a crazy outfit I had to wear to my aunts wedding taken in my families living room decor.
Here's one from my days at the Raptor Center - circa early Spring 1996, this is me holding 'Ol Yeller', a huge female red tail hawk that had a yellow band for idenification. I got to release her in April only to have it hit by another vehicle in nearly the same place it was found the first time. The second time she was wounded far worse and was not released back into the wild and was used for educational purposes instead.
And why don't these binoculars work?
This should tell you something... You are being way too anxious with these girls, and it doesn't seem like you like anyone in particular, just a whole slew of whichever halfway decent girls happen to cross your path. Know what I'm sayin'? I think you need to take a deep breath and relax for a bit. You will meet a girl that'll like you back if you let it happen naturally and don't push quite so hard....