What a boring ass weekend. I haven't done anything. No dates, no nothing. I'm soooo bored and have been all week. It sucks being broke and not being able to go out and do stuff. I missed alot of things this weekened due to having no funds in the Ol' wallet. A few extra bills popped up this month that I normally wouldn't get and sucked my wallet dry. Thankfully I get paid this week and my check is much bigger then usual as I put in some OT. But I was gonna go out on Friday, didn't. Stayed home and dorked around on my computer. Yesterday, did my usual workout and both trained and teached in the morning. Then I did get a nice TV set for free that I had to go pick up and so I hooked that up along with some new speakers. Did laundry. That's it. Was gonna go out last night too to meet up with the cutie and see her perform on stage, but it was a $12 cover and two drink mininmum. So I had to nix it. I have some beer in my fridge. So I stayed home and watched a movie on my new set while enjoying a couple brews and a cigar. Speaking of which, I"m getting low, my humidor has about 10 sticks left and that won't last a month. Will need to get some more before I run out. It depresses me to see either my humidor or fridge bare. Not cool.
Today, I think I'll go for a bike ride for a little bit if it ain't too hot. Otherwise, its gonna be another sit around and do nothing day. Blah. Oh well...I'll just keep rolling with it as I'm not gonna complain too much, each day gets me closer to my vacation up on the North Shore in Sept. - Can't wait!
Today, I think I'll go for a bike ride for a little bit if it ain't too hot. Otherwise, its gonna be another sit around and do nothing day. Blah. Oh well...I'll just keep rolling with it as I'm not gonna complain too much, each day gets me closer to my vacation up on the North Shore in Sept. - Can't wait!
Ahhhh, I love boring weekends.
bike rides, here's sooo cold. i'm jelous.