Strange days indeed. And muggy too. Sticky air is filling the city skies with a haze that looks like a thin fog. Alas...Things for me over the last couple weeks have seemed very out of tune somehow? Not sure how to approach what it is that's out of whack, but it seems while talking to new people I find it hard to be myself and even when just talking to good friends and neighbors too. This last weekend of the Forth was intersting to say the least as I had two dates cancel on me, was even turned down last night by someone for a date. Maybe I'm sending mixed singals or reading these women wrong. I've just been trying to let things happen on there own and not really force myself to find someone or whatever. But damn, I haven't had a clue as to what my deal is this last week or so? Oh well...hopefully things will eventually make some sense sometime soon? Maybe...ha!
Suppose to get more ink today, but if its busy at the shoppe I doubt my artist will have time to squeeze me in for a few hours. Since my ink is basically free with our trade for art, so if he gets paying walk-in customers he's gonna take em over me. Very understandable, so its no biggy, yet I did take the day off, and he's already called me to push me from 1pm to 4pm. Which means I could've worked today? Not that I wanted to work today anyways. Was nice to sleep in and have a late coffee and breakfast.
Speaking of the weekend - Saturday night The CON-vergence was super cool and not what I thought it was gonna be. Last time I did anything like it was a comic book convention like 12 years ago, just before I stopped collecting. They were maybe 200 or so people there for that and maybe a dozen of those were in some kind of costume. What I knew and thought of the norm for conventions like that. So when I first walked in the door at the S and saw a group of folks all in costumes, I was like, holy crap! Is it gonna be like that everywhere I go? And sure enough, every hall and every corner there were more and more costumed people. It was like Halloween! I surely was ill prepared and impressed as no one told me that people dressed up like that. I thought it was like a pub crawl where you go around to all the different party rooms and discuss whatever the topic of the rooms' theme was. Ummm...yeah way more to it then that. There was a crap load to do and see and a ton of cool people there all dressed up and having fun. I didn't have a pass or badge or whatever to get into some of the bigger events going on. But I was told that it was OK to just wonder where I could to check it out and see if maybe I would wanna do something like this for next year. I got there kinda late as the Twins game went kinda long due to a long 6th and 7th inning. Twins won! Per usual... So anywho, I had alot of friends from different circles that were there and so I tried to meet as many of them as I could, including those here form SG (you know who you are) to get their take on what it is they like about it and what I might find interesting and stuff. So I wandered around bumping into all sorts of people I knew from all over. Even some old neighbors I hadn't seen since they left the building like 5 years ago. So I got to catch up with a few people too. Went around to all the different rooms, had many drinks of all colors and flavors. Was pretty toasted by 1 or so. Then wound up hula hooping with some Ren fester folks I knew til 3 when I finally needed to go to bed as I was pooped from my prior drinking at Town Hall before the Twins game, walking to and from the game, and the partying from the Forth on Friday. Lots of partying...whew...
But I'll definately do the CON next year and do the whole thing so I can get into all the stuff I didn't get to see at this one and probably have more fun. Never really got to do things like this as my ex-wife never liked anything like that and so now maybe I can explore more of that side of me now? Scary huh?
Suppose to get more ink today, but if its busy at the shoppe I doubt my artist will have time to squeeze me in for a few hours. Since my ink is basically free with our trade for art, so if he gets paying walk-in customers he's gonna take em over me. Very understandable, so its no biggy, yet I did take the day off, and he's already called me to push me from 1pm to 4pm. Which means I could've worked today? Not that I wanted to work today anyways. Was nice to sleep in and have a late coffee and breakfast.
Speaking of the weekend - Saturday night The CON-vergence was super cool and not what I thought it was gonna be. Last time I did anything like it was a comic book convention like 12 years ago, just before I stopped collecting. They were maybe 200 or so people there for that and maybe a dozen of those were in some kind of costume. What I knew and thought of the norm for conventions like that. So when I first walked in the door at the S and saw a group of folks all in costumes, I was like, holy crap! Is it gonna be like that everywhere I go? And sure enough, every hall and every corner there were more and more costumed people. It was like Halloween! I surely was ill prepared and impressed as no one told me that people dressed up like that. I thought it was like a pub crawl where you go around to all the different party rooms and discuss whatever the topic of the rooms' theme was. Ummm...yeah way more to it then that. There was a crap load to do and see and a ton of cool people there all dressed up and having fun. I didn't have a pass or badge or whatever to get into some of the bigger events going on. But I was told that it was OK to just wonder where I could to check it out and see if maybe I would wanna do something like this for next year. I got there kinda late as the Twins game went kinda long due to a long 6th and 7th inning. Twins won! Per usual... So anywho, I had alot of friends from different circles that were there and so I tried to meet as many of them as I could, including those here form SG (you know who you are) to get their take on what it is they like about it and what I might find interesting and stuff. So I wandered around bumping into all sorts of people I knew from all over. Even some old neighbors I hadn't seen since they left the building like 5 years ago. So I got to catch up with a few people too. Went around to all the different rooms, had many drinks of all colors and flavors. Was pretty toasted by 1 or so. Then wound up hula hooping with some Ren fester folks I knew til 3 when I finally needed to go to bed as I was pooped from my prior drinking at Town Hall before the Twins game, walking to and from the game, and the partying from the Forth on Friday. Lots of partying...whew...
But I'll definately do the CON next year and do the whole thing so I can get into all the stuff I didn't get to see at this one and probably have more fun. Never really got to do things like this as my ex-wife never liked anything like that and so now maybe I can explore more of that side of me now? Scary huh?

Sorry I wasn't much fun, but I was burnt out.