Slurp, sip, ahhh...mmm...enjoying some new coffee and creamer this morning and its yummy and totally hittin' the spot to start off my work day. The creamer is some super thick french vanilla stuff and adds a very nice sweetness to the roast. I usually don't have more then one cup of coffee, but I may just need another...its just so damn tasty! Speaking of tasty, Taste of MN starts tomorrow and the fireworks will be going off every night til Sunday. Hell ya, I can't wait! I'll probably miss Sat. night as I'll be visiting some of you geeky friends at CON!
Also happen to be watching "The Edge" - just love the part where Charles(Anthony Hopkins) gets all savage and tribal about killing the bear, so todays movie quote, " ...'cause today, I'm gonna kill the mother fucker."
Another nice day today weather wise, maybe some rain later? And I haven't been stung recently either so things are good. Speaking of my arm, its just a huge red spot, like on Jupiter, taking up a good portion of my forearm. Still a few other colors of yellow and pink too. Man, this has been one nasty bug problem. Eeeiiisshh
Looking forward to Burlesque tonight and hangin' with some of my locals while enjoying a beer and watching some half naked ladies perform in their pasties - twirl - twirl - twirl
Also looking forward to Monday as I have off for the day to hopefully get tattooed some more. Haven't heard from my artist in a while and he seems to have been getting stressed out at his shop. Hope all is cool there. I'm sure I'll still be able to get in, but what we have time for and what he's willing to do is still up in the air. I'm gonna have to give him a call today to be sure we are on the same page for Monday's sitting...
Also happen to be watching "The Edge" - just love the part where Charles(Anthony Hopkins) gets all savage and tribal about killing the bear, so todays movie quote, " ...'cause today, I'm gonna kill the mother fucker."
Another nice day today weather wise, maybe some rain later? And I haven't been stung recently either so things are good. Speaking of my arm, its just a huge red spot, like on Jupiter, taking up a good portion of my forearm. Still a few other colors of yellow and pink too. Man, this has been one nasty bug problem. Eeeiiisshh

Looking forward to Burlesque tonight and hangin' with some of my locals while enjoying a beer and watching some half naked ladies perform in their pasties - twirl - twirl - twirl

Also looking forward to Monday as I have off for the day to hopefully get tattooed some more. Haven't heard from my artist in a while and he seems to have been getting stressed out at his shop. Hope all is cool there. I'm sure I'll still be able to get in, but what we have time for and what he's willing to do is still up in the air. I'm gonna have to give him a call today to be sure we are on the same page for Monday's sitting...

I really appreciated it!