Sweet...its one of greatest weeks of the year as the Taste of MN launches the big fireworks just a few blocks from my place and every year, when I'm in town, which i will be this year, I go down and sit right where they get launched. Its fuckin awesome! I love those loud big fuckin blooming spider ones that take up the entire sky above my head to the point it goes beyond my peripheral vision and the sky twinkles and glistens with sparkly stuff. I guess I'm just a big kid eh?
My arm has finally reached a normal size after nearly a week of it being the size of a small planet. Its still gross looking as its all bruised from the infection and still creating some wonderfully colorfull oozy stuff...yuk. Damn bees! Apparently there's a bunch of folks like myslef who have been stung this year and it getting infected.
Picked up the new Coldplay yesterday and its awesome. I know that most people here on SG probably think it weird perhaps that some goofy tattooed artist guy like myslef likes them. But I absolutly just love the way their songs talk to me in all ways of life it makes my swell with joy. I've been dancing around and singing(by myself) to this shit at the top of my lungs all day yesterday and today. I kind of consider them my "Grown up" version of U2. I grew up listening to U2 in the eighties and they have a special place in my life and heart that can't be matched. But damn if Coldplay doesn't pull my heart strings in all the right ways it crazy. I guess its just that hugely romantic and heartfelt side of me that shows through when it comes to this kind of music? Anyways...I'm in a fucking terrific mood because of it and its the first time a disc has kicked out the White Stripes form my player in a few months time. Yeah, variety finally is spicing up my life.
I think tonight I'm gonna ride my bike as fast as I can until I can't pedal no more then come home exhausted and shower up and relax with a yummy Belgian brew and a cigar!
Toodle doo...
My arm has finally reached a normal size after nearly a week of it being the size of a small planet. Its still gross looking as its all bruised from the infection and still creating some wonderfully colorfull oozy stuff...yuk. Damn bees! Apparently there's a bunch of folks like myslef who have been stung this year and it getting infected.
Picked up the new Coldplay yesterday and its awesome. I know that most people here on SG probably think it weird perhaps that some goofy tattooed artist guy like myslef likes them. But I absolutly just love the way their songs talk to me in all ways of life it makes my swell with joy. I've been dancing around and singing(by myself) to this shit at the top of my lungs all day yesterday and today. I kind of consider them my "Grown up" version of U2. I grew up listening to U2 in the eighties and they have a special place in my life and heart that can't be matched. But damn if Coldplay doesn't pull my heart strings in all the right ways it crazy. I guess its just that hugely romantic and heartfelt side of me that shows through when it comes to this kind of music? Anyways...I'm in a fucking terrific mood because of it and its the first time a disc has kicked out the White Stripes form my player in a few months time. Yeah, variety finally is spicing up my life.

I think tonight I'm gonna ride my bike as fast as I can until I can't pedal no more then come home exhausted and shower up and relax with a yummy Belgian brew and a cigar!

Toodle doo...
No! I would have never guessed!