So this bee sting I got about week ago wound up getting infected and was the reason for my left forearm to balloon up to the size of a small marble. Tis quite painful and I had to get some super anti-biotics to combact the swelling and super pain killers to dull my arm. Cuz damn this fucker hurts. Its like if I move it just right, it feels like I got stung all over again. The doc thinks there may be a fleck of the stinger still in there and is trying to work its way out like a zit. Gross huh, the puss is all yellowy and disgusting. I thought maybe it was a bite, and the doc didn't really seem to know other then it is infected pretty bad. I remember pulling out a stinger last week, either Tues or Wed, don't remember, but when it didn't seem to be getting any better and Sunday it started getting bigger I just started icing it until the swelling went down. But this morning the sucker was bleeding and that was enough for me to say "WTF doc time"! Thank goodness I have some pretty solid health insurance that covers my visit and nearly all my meds, otherwise this would have been a pain in my wallet too!
So this evening I will relax with a warm pack on it and try to enjoy a beer and maybe even a stogie as I stay cool in my AC controlled place. Not sure if I'll venture out unless the date I was to maybe have last night somehow comes together for tonight, then I may just have to take a chance on that
On another, more positive avenue, I'm getting a whole heap of responsibility at the dojo in prep for fall as I will be helping with the kids class and also doing some promoting of a new class time that I'll be in charge of coming up this fall as well. Cuz now with my official teaching cert from Japan I can teach whenever. But since our dojo has multiple high ranking Dan ranks(Black Belts) its tough to get a good slot where lots of students show for class so I'm trying to start up my own. Not to mention that this fall I will also be doing some hardcore training to get ready for my second degree black belt test in Dec. Which ought to be a whole lotta fun and keep me pretty busy. But until then I'm only doing one class a week and covering some classes on the weekends as its been slow for students due the nice weather. Which is fine by me, good to take it easy for a bit, cuz this spring was insane with all the work that went into our international Yoshinkan Aikido clinic we held in May.
So this evening I will relax with a warm pack on it and try to enjoy a beer and maybe even a stogie as I stay cool in my AC controlled place. Not sure if I'll venture out unless the date I was to maybe have last night somehow comes together for tonight, then I may just have to take a chance on that

On another, more positive avenue, I'm getting a whole heap of responsibility at the dojo in prep for fall as I will be helping with the kids class and also doing some promoting of a new class time that I'll be in charge of coming up this fall as well. Cuz now with my official teaching cert from Japan I can teach whenever. But since our dojo has multiple high ranking Dan ranks(Black Belts) its tough to get a good slot where lots of students show for class so I'm trying to start up my own. Not to mention that this fall I will also be doing some hardcore training to get ready for my second degree black belt test in Dec. Which ought to be a whole lotta fun and keep me pretty busy. But until then I'm only doing one class a week and covering some classes on the weekends as its been slow for students due the nice weather. Which is fine by me, good to take it easy for a bit, cuz this spring was insane with all the work that went into our international Yoshinkan Aikido clinic we held in May.
So sorry to hear you arm hasn't gotten much better. It looked so painful! That's awesome that you are starting your own class. It sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck getting a big class together!