Holy fuckin' shit! Well, that was way faster then I ever thought, but my divorce is final as of last week. I'll I need to do is go and get a copy of the paperwork at the courthouse. I had no idea it would be that short of time, but when you work out everything without lawyers and are civil to one another it makes for an easy transition! I'm glad that I know its all done, but still kinda sad too. But I've been moving forward ever since we separated and its been gradually getting better for both of us. We are still gonna work on being friends since she moved into a new place two blocks away and some of our mutual friends are wanting to see us both and no longer want to take sides on the whole thing. I had a great discussion about it today with her and it seems like it may work? It'll probably be awkward and a little uncomfortable for awhile yet, but if we can look back and have good things to say and not bad, then it may just be something worth having? We'll see...? I know I want to try and see if things could get better with some of those old friends of ours. I miss them alot and can't wait to see em again soon.
So I'm trying to look forward to my new future and it starts with fixing my crappy van today, beer, training tomorrow, beer, Burlesque Wednesday night, beer, more training Thursday, beer, and Friday whatever? Probably something beer related
Bring on the good Karma...please.
The document...

This is what my van will look like if I don't fix it!

So I'm trying to look forward to my new future and it starts with fixing my crappy van today, beer, training tomorrow, beer, Burlesque Wednesday night, beer, more training Thursday, beer, and Friday whatever? Probably something beer related

Bring on the good Karma...please.
The document...

This is what my van will look like if I don't fix it!

I'm just completely blow away by this. I have no clue how I'm suppose to trust anyone anymore. For the first time I really followed my heart, and it got completely smashed, buried, dug up, and ground to a pulp. I've never felt this bad before.